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According to Jesus Christ... The Bible contains everything that a "Faithful servant of His" needs to know, against Judgment Day [the day when all men will give an accounting of their lives to the One who gives Life to them].

"...remember that during your lifetime you had everything you wanted [Abraham points out to the rich man on Judgment Day]..." (Luke 16:25 LVB Living Bible)

"...there is a great chasm separating us [two great opposites: mortality and immortality; death and Eternal Life], and anyone wanting to come to you [the rich man speaking to Faithful Abraham in the Judgment] from here is stopped at its edge; and no one over there can cross to us." (verse 26)

The Bible is God's revelation to man, revealing Himself to the latter day generations prior to Jesus' return, to both instruct and warn His Children of His intentions: the creation of the Family of God; and the preparation of the House He is building for them -- the coming Kingdom of God.

The Bible is instruction from our Creator on "learning how His Children might live in Peace." It's spiritual insight into selfish human nature... that isn't all that concerned about others, but with "me-myself-and-I." It's a study in hatred, envy, jealousy, lust and greed; all the things that rob men and the earth of the Peace that's been missing since man first disobeyed his Creator, and "chose another god before Him" in the Garden of Eden [Gen.3].

The Bible will Judge the world in the "Last Day" when all of its "books will be opened" [Rev.20:12]... when Satan's blinders and deception will be removed, along with Satan himself, from the minds and hearts of all men... and all men will know the Truth that has always been written there, but to that time, only understood by those servants of God who "believed" what was written, and acted upon those Words, accordingly in their own lives.

Jesus' parable of "Lazarus and the Rich Man" illustrates the information contained in the Bible, and the long-term benefits for those who BELIEVE what it says.

"...O Father Abraham... please send him [Lazarus, a "saved" individual] to my father's home -- for I have five brothers -- to warn them about this place of torment [the coming Judgment] lest they come here when they die.' But Abraham said, 'The SCRIPTURES HAVE WARNED THEM again and again. Your brothers can read them any time they want to.'

"The rich man replied, 'No, Father Abraham, THEY WON'T BOTHER TO READ THEM. But if someone is sent to them FROM THE DEAD [like Lazarus or Jesus Christ?], then they will turn from their sins.' But Abraham said, 'If they won't listen to Moses and the prophets, they won't listen even though someone rises from the dead." (verses 27-31 LVB)

The Bible contains all the basics God's servants [friends - see John 15:14] need to ground themselves in the ways of the Eternal [Love and Concern for others]. To lay the Foundation for the Peace, Joy, Excitement and Wonder regarding the Future and Eternal Life that God is offering to man, whom He created in His image.

In the Bible... God doesn't see hundreds of thousands of "different religions" when He sees man. He sees two kinds of people: those who "believe" what He says... and those who don't. Those who "obey Him"... and those who "don't."

The Bible is "fair warning" to the "obedient" to walk the "straight and narrow" [as some say]. It's fair warning to those who read it and/or hear its Words, and "DIS-believe" it and "DIS-obey" it, also [because they have read it, and are without excuse]. And its Words shall eventually [in the Judgment] be "opened before them" with God's Truth made known to ALL MEN -- so that each and every person [each and every Child] shall "receive their appropriate REWARD" for the works their lives have wrought:

"...including every hidden thing, good or bad." (Eccle.12:14 LVB)

Like the rich man and all of his brothers... the world at large doesn't believe Moses and the prophets [the Bible]... but they are available in the world for anyone to discover. Some will use the information provided in the Bible "Wisely" and "Faithfully"... and wake up from their "appointed first death" on the one side of that "gulf" between mortality and immortality at Jesus' right hand.

All men's lives are pointed toward their "appointed first death"... and the "Last Day" of God's plan; Judgment Day. At which time, all men will come face-to-face with their Creator, Jesus Christ [who made all things - John 1:3]. And, whether now or later; be given their opportunity to cry out to Him for His Mercy and Grace and Forgiveness -- to receive His Salvation -- and to be spared the "Second Death" [see Rev.20:14]. All determined by the works they did in their lives.

"...just as it is destined that men die only once, and after that comes Judgment, so also Christ died only once as an offering for the sins of many people; and He will come again, but not to deal again with our sins. This time He will come bringing salvation to all those who are eagerly and patiently waiting for Him." (Heb.9:27-28 LVB)

The Bible gives "believing" men the information they need to prepare for the Judgment... and [as Buzz Lightyear says;] "BEYOND."

"And when that time comes, all doing wrong will do it more and more; the vile will become more vile; good men will be better; those who are holy will continue on in greater holiness. See, I AM coming soon, and My Reward is with Me, to repay everyone according to the deeds he has done." (Rev.22:11-12 LVB)

The information is there in the Bible. It's "fair warning" to man as to what his Creator is about to do here on earth. The Bible calls it "Good News" [gospel].

"...The Kingdom of this world now belongs to our Lord, and to His Christ; and He shall reign forever and ever." (Rev.11:15 LVB)

Those who "believe" the Bible agree that it's "good news." Not so much those who don't "believe."

"The nations were angry with you, but now it is your turn to be angry with them. It is time to Judge the dead, and reward your servants -- prophets and people alike, all who fear your Name, both great and small -- and to destroy those who have caused destruction upon the earth." (verse 18)

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Q: What information does the old testament and the New Testament contain in the bible?
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There are two Testaments in the Bible, the Old Testament and the New Testament.

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No. The Bible consists of the Old and New Testament.

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There are 15 verses in the King James Bible with the word winter. there are 7 in the Old Testament and 8 in the New Testament. Look them up in an online KJV concordance.

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The second book of the Bible is Exodus, in the Old Testament. It is found in between Genesis and Leviticus. In the New Testament, it is Mark. It is found between Matthew and Luke.

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