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Q: What information were not used in constructing the model of DNA?
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Information from X-ray crystallographic data collected by was used by Watson and Crick in their development of the model of DNA?

Rosalind Franklin

What was rosalind Franklin's theory?

She incorrectly theorized that DNA was a triple helix. Watson and Crick used information from Franklin's research to form the correwct model of double-helix DNA.

When constructing the DNA molecule what did you notice about the orientation of the two strands?

No idea. Biologers

Cells store genetic information in DNA. That genetic information is used to synthesize .?

cells store genetic information in dna. that genetic information is used to synthesize

The restriction enzyme used in constructing hybrid molecules of certain gene sequences and plasmid DNA acts by?

opening DNA molecules at specific sites,leaving sticky ends exposed. find me on kik one1992

Does the model accurately represent the process of producing recombinant DNA?

The model accurately represents the process of producing recombinant DNA. Mathematical calculations are used for the model for the purpose of high accuracy.

What is DNA information used for?

There are many various uses for the DNA in the modern world. For example, DNA is used to solve crimes, in the paternity and maternity tests, and in the medical and genetic research. The basic principal is that any living organism has individual DNA pattern that's unique and proprietary to them. There are exceptions to this rule, identical twins for example have identical DNA.

DNA contains the information to build which macromolecule?

DNA has genetic information to build the organic molecules proteins. These proteins are used within the cell to grow and build.

What new information did Watson and Crick contribute to science?

Watson and Crick's model DNA in the shape of a double helix.

What scientist took x ray pictures of DNA crystals that were used by Watson and crick to measure and build their DNA model?

maurice wilkins

How does DNA encode and transmit genetic information How is it replicated and expressed?

Replication, in which new copies of DNA are made; transcription, in which a segment of DNA is used to produce RNA; and translation, in which the information in RNA is translated into a protein sequence.