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There are dozens. One of the pests that has been getting a lot of press lately is the glassy-winged sharpshooter, which can spread a virus that blights grape vines. With Napa being such a big wine growing area, this could have a major impact.

Another that has caused intermittent panics for the last 20 years or so is the Mediterranean fruit fly, which can infect most types of tree fruit, such as apples and Pears.

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Q: What insects are affecting crops in California?
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What insects are affecting New Jersey Crops?

I dont know , figure it out !

What is the differences between helpfull insects and harmful insects?

Well harmfull insects are those that do damage to crops and helpfull insects are insects that help crops by either A:helping in the pollination of the crop or B: by eating or driving out those insects that are harmfull to the crops

Why does killing insects on crops increase crop yield?

the insects don't eat/ damage crops and it allows to kill insects carrying plant disease.

Do insects destroy crops?

Yes, some insects definitely do that.

Why do we spray pesticides on crops?

So insects won't eat the crops.

How pests can damage the crops?


Why do insects destroy crops in Kenya?

Most of the insects that live in Kenya need food so they eat the crops to keep alive.

How are insects harmful to crops?

Insects are harmful to crops because they can be carrying dirty kinds of bacteria, and they can cause diseases in plants and kill plants.

Are insects scary?

No, they are certainly not because they help the earth a lot! They bio-degrade a lot of rubbish. Knowing what a swarm of crickets can do to crops, Mormon settlers in Utah (1848) were so afraid of an oncoming swarm of crickets that they honored the horde of California Seagulls that wiped out the crickets (in time to save the crops) by subsequently referring to the California Seagull as The Mormon Air Force. The California Seagull is now the Official State Bird of Utah for that very reason. So, to California Seagulls, insects are... delicious! See the link below for more information:

How much crops do insects damage a year?

1.2 million crops in the United States

Wood eating insects in California?

There are many different kinds of wood eating insects in the state of California. These insects can be found anywhere.

What do quials do?

quials eat crops,insects and are vegetarians