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Neil Armstrong was an accomplished Ukulele player. There are many photos of him playing the ukulele while in quarantine.

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Q: What instrument did Neil Armstrong play in quarantine?
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What instrument did Neil Armstrong play while in quarantine?


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What kind of sports did neil Armstrong play?

Neil Armstrong did not play a sport on the moon. Alan Shepard who was the commander of Apollo 14 hit a golf ball on the moon with a 6 iron that he smuggled on the ship, in his clothing.

What instrument did Lois Armstrong play?

The Trumpet

Did Luis Armstrong play an instrument?

Yes ,He played the trumpet.

What did Neil Armstrong like to do as a child?

he liked to play with rockets and be creatful. he grew up with a dream to be a astroanaut.

What is Neil Armstrong's favorite sport?

Neil armstrong had many favourite sports he liked to play but his best one was with nicholas henson aged 17 from maidstone, this sports was horse riding, he particpated in events most weekends

What is thE value of the EP recording Neil Armstrong?

As of my last update in September 2021, there is no commercially available EP (Extended Play) recording by Neil Armstrong. Neil Armstrong was the first person to walk on the Moon during the Apollo 11 mission in 1969, and he was primarily known as an astronaut and not a musician. If there have been any developments or releases after September 2021, I wouldn't be aware of them. I recommend checking with reputable music sources or online marketplaces to find the latest information about any recordings related to Neil Armstrong.

Did Neil Armstrong like Mickey Mouse?

Yes actually ad a child he used to play with Mikey mouse toys.

Was Louis Armstrong related lance Armstrong?

No, not as far as anyone can tell. Louis never showed much aptitude for bicycling and Lance has so far avoided learning to play wind instruments. Lance is also not related to Neil Armstrong.

What did Neil Armstrong do when he traveled to the moon?

played golf. planted a flag. and drove around in a moon buggy. you cant play golf on the moon

Neil Armstrong's favorite sport?

He did recently before he passed away get in trouble for possession of crack-cocaine in a las vegas hardcore strip club (full nude and full sex), but other then that his life has really been about flying.