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His father gave him a violin when he was 12 years old.

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Q: What instrument did albert Einstein father give him?
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What instrument did Albert Einstein's father give him when he was 5?

a pocket compass

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I you wanna have an image of Albert Einstein, go to Google Images and search for "Albert Einstein" and voila.

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yes . he had given it

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you can learn not to give up and try as hard as you can.

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Albert Einstein is a person therefore doesn't have any education requirements. If that doesn't make sense...Get a degree in physics and ask someone to give you an Albert Einstein along with your degree. You might get punched because that just doesn't sound right.

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Albert Einstein

Did Albert Einstein let people get to him and tell him he couldn't do it?

No. In fact, Albert Einstein often made it known to the public that he wouldn't give up, and he often just ignored people who put him down.

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He invented the formula E=MC2