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Q: What instrument measures water uptake in plants?
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Benefit of large water uptake in plants?

A Large Mineral Uptake

How does solar radiation affect water uptake in plants?

Solar radiation in plants inhance the rate of transpiration. To cope up with the water deficiency in plants roots are desired to uptake more water.

Why does the potometer not measure transpiration accurately?

Because not all of the water that is taken by the plant is used for transpiration. Some of the water taken might be used for photosynthesis or by the cells to maintain turgidity. The potometer measures the rate of uptake of water. To measure transpiration rate directly, rather than the rate of water uptake, utilize a scientific instrument which quantifies water transfer at the leaves.

What instrument measures the flow of water?


What instrument measures water temperature?

A thermometer

What instrument measures water in a stream?

A flow meter.

What instrument measures how fast water boils?

a stopwatch

What instrument measures water vapor?

dewpoint apparatus

What is the instrument that measures the amount of water that has fallen?

Rain Guage

What instrument measures the capacity of a water bottle?

a graduated cylinder

Why does overcrowding affect the uptake of water by a plant?

Overcrowded plants have to compete with neighboring root systems for water as well as nutrients.

What allows water to flow into roots of plants?

Water evaporates from the leaves of plants, a process known as transpiration. This prompts the plant to uptake water through its root system through osmosis.