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There are many mentioned such as the Flute, harp, tambourine, trumpet, cymbals, strings and pipe.

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1mo ago

In Psalm 150, various instruments are mentioned, including the Trumpet, lute, harp, tambourine, strings, pipe, and cymbals. These instruments are called upon to praise the Lord in joyful and exuberant worship.

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Q: What instruments can you find in Psalm 150?
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How about the definition of Psalm?

A psalm is a sacred song accompanied by musical instruments.

Who wrote Psalm 150?

The bible does not mention it, but it is a Psalm of praise.

Are guitars in The Bible?

The Bible does not list a 'guitar' by name, but mentions: "Harps, 'stringed instruments' and cymbals"(1 Chronicles 25:1) along with lutes, 'ten stringed instruments'(Psalm 92:3) ,flute, horn, pipes, trumpets(Numbers 10:8)(2 Chronicles 7:6), tambourines, sistrums (2 Samuel 6:5; Psalm 150:5)(Psalm 150:3-5) and many instruments that King David made specifically for God's praise(1 Chronicles 23:4, 5).

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There are 150 Psalms in total, so after Psalm 118 there are 32 more.

The Psalm is consider the book of?

The Book of Songs. There are 150 of them.

What type of prayer is psalm's 150?

It is about praise and music.

What type psalm is Psalm 150?

A hymn or song of praise. It is also a doxology (conclusion) to the entire book of psalms.

What does Psalm 150 say?

See the attached Related Link.

Worship dance verse from the bible?

Sorry these are not the complete verses, but I am sure you can find the remainder. The translation I used was NIV. :) Psalm 149:3 - Let them praise His name with dancing... Psalm 150:4 - Praise Him with tambourine and dancing...

Can you write a sentence using the word psalm?

There are 150 psalms in the Bible.

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A mistake, there are only 150 psalms in the Bible.

Are there only 5 poetry books in the bible?

Yes. In order they are: Job, Psalm, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes and Songs of Solomon. Psalm 150 is my favourite!