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Q: What instruments keep pulse?
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What are the instruments used in getting the pulse?


What horror movie did they cover the windows to keep the evil out?

Pulse (2006).

What is the role of the drum in a song?

to keep the beat and keep all of the other instruments in time

What is a music pulse?

A music pulse is called a metronome...A metronome is a device used by musicians to keep a steady pulse or beat while performing a piece of music. The measurements on a metronome are marked in beats per minute or BPM.

What are instruments with pitch?

pitched instruments are instruments with do re mi fa so la ti do like xylophone and piano

What you use to keep something tune?

You can use an Electronic Tuner to keep instruments with strings in tune, or by using your "Musical Ear". Other instruments do not normally use tuners and are tuned using your musical ear.

Would pulse rate decrease or increase during heat stroke?

your pulse rate would increase because the heart would be trying to keep up a moderate blood pressure.

What do you do after CPR?

If after CPR and defibrillation, and there is a pulse, the airway will need to remain open and the patient monitored for signs of life until the ambulance arrives.

What does pulse mean in music?

In music, the word "pulse" is often used to describe the rhythm, time signature, and tempo of a song. If you tap your foot to the beat, that is the pulse. In some music, such as modern dance music, the pulse is much easier to feel than something like classical or slower music without percussion. Nevertheless, every piece of music has a tempo and a time signature, therefore it has a pulse.

What do you call the kit that doctors keep their sewing instruments in?

This is called a Suture Kit.

Name of the thumb pulse?

The neck pulse is the corotid pulse; the wrist pulse is the radial pulse; the arm pulse is the brachial pulse. it seems that the pulses are named according to the artery palpated; therefore, your thumb pulse must be your princeps pollicis pulse. this is an educated guess.

What is a hamster pulse?

A hamster pulse is the pulse of a hamster.