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Q: What insurance companies check driving record for the past three years?
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What insurance companies reward their customer for having a clean driving record?

Nowadays, almost all of the major car insurance companies will reward their customers for maintaining clean driving records. They do this by either giving discount on the premium price or by issuing a refund check for a percentage of the premium paid.

How long does a no liability insurance ticket remain on your driving record?

Contrary to popular belief, Our driving records are permanent. Fortunately though, most insurance companies in the U.S. only check the last 3 to 5 years of your driving record. It never comes off your driving record. It just gets stale after a certain number of years. Depending on how many years back your insurer checks your driving record, either they will see it or they won't.

What if I don't claim I had a previous accident when buying new car insurance?

You might get better insurance rates if they don't find out you're lying. A new insurance company will likely check your driving record with your previous insurance companies though.

How much will your auto insurance raise after a red light ticket if your with state farm insurance?

In many cases the insurance company doesn't check your driving record unless you have an accident or some other type of claim. Use the good old rule "Don't Ask Don't Tell". It cost the insurance company money each time they check someones driving record with the DMV. And you know the insurance companies are not interested in spending money, except on advertising that is.

Do insurance companies regularly check driving records?

No they do not,because it costs them ,if you don't give them a reason to check it,for example get in a accident thats YOUR fault,then chances are they won't be checking your record,and ANYBODY that tells you different is UNINFORMED.

How do you find an auto insurance company that does not exceed around 2 years in checking ones driving record to asses a quote?

I'm not sure if I understand the question completely but here goes...All insurance companies check your driving record, most of them go back at least 3 years, some 5 years.

How long do tickets stay on your record?

Your driving record is permanent. Traffic tickets never just come off. Fortunately though. Most insurance companies only check your driving record for the last 3 to 5 years. So if a ticket is older than that they will not count it against you when determining your rates.

Do insurance companies check driving records when buying a car?

they certainly will before they decide to insure you.

When does an insurance company find out about an impared driving charge?

Generally anytime they check your driving record, prior violations will show up on it.

How far back do insurance companies check driving records in Ontario?

Contact whatever entity governs insurance for Ontario, they will be able to help you.

How often does your own insurance company check its clients driving record?

Licensce reveals how many points they have previously received and criminal record would show any driving offences.

Where can i get the best advice about car insurance?

Best prices all depend on what region you're in, and your driving record. There are several great Insurance companies such as AAA, State Farm, Geico, esurance, just to name a few. You might want to check the sites to the companies specifically to get a quote. You might be pleasantly surprised.