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Q: What interactions that take place in a tropical rain forest describe two or more food chains that you would find there?
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Explain the interactions that take place in a tropical rain forest by describing two or more food chains that you would find therethen show how these food chains might be apart of a larger food web?

Interactions which take place in a tropical rain forest include the rain falling and fungi growing, animals eating the fungi, including frogs and birds, and the larger animals which eat the birds, such as monkeys

Describe a climate you might find in a tropical zone?

The tropical may be rainy or dry ,but it is typically hot .

How would you describe the location of a tropical rain forest in relation to the equator?

Justin Rulzes

What is the difference between the tropical rain forest and the tropical forest?

The Tropical Rain Forest has more rain than a tropical forest.

Describe the 6 major land biomes?

The six major land biomes are: grassland, tropical rainforest, desert, deciduous forest, tundra, and taiga.

What are two type of tropical forest?

Tropical rain forest and tropical dry forest are the two types.

What are the two types of tropical forest?

Tropical rain forest and tropical dry forest are the two types.

Food chains in a tropical forest?

the food chain is the same in any evironment producer------>primery cunsumer------>secondary consumer------>tietry consumer

Difference between tropical evergreen and tropical monsoon forest?

The differentiate between tropical evergreen and tropical monsoon forest is that it have less rainfall but tropical monsoon forest have more rainfall than the tropical evergreen forest.

What biome are in Honduras?

Mangroves, Lowland Tropical Coniferous Forest / Tropical Savannah, Tropical Moist Broadleaf (Rain) Forest, Tropical Dry Broadleaf Forest, and Cloud Forest.

What are the two types of tropical forest's and how do they differ?

Tropical raInforest and tropical dry forest .

What are the two types of tropical forest do they differ?

tropical rain forest and tropical dry forest -- they differ by degrees or temperature