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Q: What invention made long sea voyages possible without a landmark or point in the sky to steer by?
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Number 0, without which No other inventions are possible.

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1 Without the invention of the microscope the cell theory would not have been possible?

The theory would have been possible, the proof would have been somewhat harder to get.

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People were living before each invention and continued to live after, so there is no invention that we CANNOT live without.

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You failed to list the invention to consider.

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a football field without the end zones

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because the Wright Brothers invention taught people how to build planes without their invention we wouldn't have planes

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Planes have made it faster to move from place to place and even made it possible to go to places across the oceans and seas quickly and without a boat.

How can they decide which landmark to choose without finding the median or the mean?

you can find out by dividing the median and mean and get the answer

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The high-rise building was made feasible by two things- the low cost availability of structural steel framing, and the invention of the elevator. Without elevators, no one is going to want to live or work on the 35th floor of a building.