

What inventions Did Einstein make?

Updated: 9/13/2023
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9y ago

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Einstein was not an inventor in the way a person thinks of inventors today. People like Edison, Tesla, and Bell all have physical accomplishments to their name. Einstein worked in the field of physics and launched a number of theories that persist today and will continue to lead to new advancements of understanding in the years to come.

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Q: What inventions Did Einstein make?
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Einstein didn't precisely participate in the making of the atomic bomb. all he did was sign a letter to president Franklin Roosevelt to encourage the making of it =-]

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Yes, because he made such great inventions.

Inventions that made albert Einstein famous?

Einstein was a scientist rather than an inventor. He discovered relativity.

What are the Qualities and virtues of Albert Einstein's inventions?

just die

What are the tools Albert Einstein use when he was a scientist?

Einstein used tools to make his inventions. He probably use an old fashion microscope to study microscopic things but that is all that I know:( Hope it answered your question!