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Q: What invertebrates has cerebral ganglia that are organized into a brain?
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What are synonyms of a earthworms brain?

Cerebral Ganglia

What structures are known as a simple brain in invertebrates?

Ganglia are called simple brains in invertebrates .

Where is the basal ganglia located?

Both sides, in the lower middle part of the brain.

What is cerebral ganglion in earthworms?

The Ganglia is a part of the nervous systemThe Ganglia is a mass of nerve tissue existing outside the central nervous system.To make a long story short it's a brain.

What other animals have no brain?

Some lower invertebrates have what is called a ganglia, which is basically a poorly developed brain, but many lower invertebrates have no brain, and just connections of nerves throughout the body, which is called a nerve net.

Does the cerebral and basal ganglia is same?

Not really. Basal ganglia are a grouping of nerve cell bodies that are associated with various parts of the brain, mostly for sensory input, and one of these associations is the cerbrum.

Where is the Brian of an earthworm?

The earthworm doesn't have a brain per see, but its nervous system features a brain like pair of cerebral ganglia which is located above and in front of the pharynx.

What is the site of action in the brain where antipsychotics work?

Thes are the sites of action in the brain where antipsychotics work. The Basal ganglia, areas of the limbic system, the chemoreceptor trigger zone ,and the cerebral cortex

What are the cerebral hemispheres?

The right and left cerebral hemispheres make up the main part of the brain, called the cerebrum, at the top, front, sides, and part of the back of the brain, and accounts for the majority of the brain's volume.The thin outer layer of the cerebrum is called the cerebral cortex, and is where cognition and long-term memory occur.

Does a conch have a nervous system?

Yes, they do. All gastropods have nerve cords with a "brain" of some sort consisting of three pairs of ganglia organized in a ring.

What does a earthworms brain consist of?

About the size of letter O in Times New Roman font size 14.

Do other organisms have ganglia other than worms?

All vertebrates have ganglia of some sort, but there are many different types of ganglia, from dorsal and spinal to autonomic, basal, sympathetic, and other types. Humans have basal ganglia, which makes up a section of the brain.