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SEATO required a unanimous vote from all members, which it never recieved, for involvement in the Vietnam War. So, some of the countries that were part of SEATO participated in the war, on behalf of America's request.

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13y ago

No. Neither was NATO nor the UN. Very few nations wanted to get involved with the Vietnam War.

Other than some operations (military campaigns) the only war ever fought by the UN (discounting which the term "UN" has been sometimes used) was the Korean War (1950-1953). NATO has been involved with numerous military "operations." But no major wars.

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13y ago

no, because the seato or watever is a lying dushbag

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Q: Was SEATO involved in the Vietnam war?
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How did countries start becoming involved in the Vietnam War?

Europe had the North Atlantic Teaty Organization (NATO), Asia had the South East Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO). The allies fighting in Vietnam were part of SEATO.

What does NATO and SEATO during the cold war have to do with the Vietnam war?

The Vietnam war was a product of the rivalry between the US and the Soviet Union. It was part of the reasoning behind the construction of NATO and SEATO, both of which were created in fear of spreading communism ideals.

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The U.S government decided to get involved in the Vietnam war because the believed after the cold war that communism was a very serious issue that must be adressed first hand. America has also singed itself into SEATO (an agreement between many other countries who were also against communism). This meant America had no other options but enter the war in Vietnam.

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The United States did get involved in the Vietnam war because of communism in Vietnam.

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Both were members of the South East Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO) - as was the Republic of South Vietnam.

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Australia was part of the now-defunct Southeast Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO) alliance (as was the US, the Republic of Vietnam, and others). That's the reason.

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The UK was not involved in the Vietnam war - it was the USA!

How was the UN involved in Vietnam after the Vietnam War?

They weren't.

What war was the United States involved in during 1967?

Vietnam war

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Australia and South Vietnam were both members of the South East Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO) with an obligation to defend member states.

Why was south Vietnam in the Vietnam war?

Somewhat democratic South Vietnam was a member of the South East Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO), so by treaty, we were obligated to help defend South Vietnam. We entered the Vietnam War to help South Vietnam stop Communist North Vietnam from their attempts to unify the whole country.

Soldiers from where were sent to south Vietnam?

Soldiers from the United States were sent to South Vietnam to support the government and combat the communist insurgency during the Vietnam War.