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Q: What involvements do lobbyists have in political campaigns?
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How do lobbyists different from political action committees?


How do lobbyists differ from political action commites?

A lobbyists is a paid employee of a group of businesses who want particular laws that benefit them. A political action committee is a group of people who work on a issue or issues they find important. They are not paid and volunteer to do it. Lobbyists often write laws for Congress and submit them to the members. Many former members of Congress are now lobbyists for many of the companies like oil, banking, coal, and other powerful political interests. The lobbyists work to make sure the laws they want are passed.

Where can one find conventions for lobbyists?

A lobbyist can connect with other lobbyists to find conventions. They can also research what conventions are coming up and where they are located. There are often many lobbyists at the political conventions during election season.

Which statement about lobbyists is most accurate?

Lobbyists frequently invite lawmakers to restaurants or other forms of entertainment.

What problem with campaign financing did the passage of the mccain feingold law in 2002 attempt to solve?

Soft money was going into political campaigns

How are political campaigns conducted?

Political campaigns are mainly conducted in the media with messages showing the good points of the candidate and the bad points of the opposing candidate. A campaign is also conducted by each candidate making appearances throughout the country to speak to the voters.

Why are nicotine and alcohol not in the controlled substances act under a schedule?

Lobbyists and political donations.

What do lobbyists actually and what do they contribute to the political process?

* The influence leg. by Propaganda to do what they want to get done.

How might lobbyists affect political decision making and the lives of Canadians?

they could get voted in

A political action committee is used to?

Raise money for political campaigns

What is AARP?

AARP is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization that advocates for the rights and well-being of older Americans. It offers resources, benefits, and services to help people over the age of 50 live their best lives.

Why do people not like lobbyists?

Lobbyists are one or more individuals that have a special interest in which they are trying to get political recognition for. Many lobbyists are criticized because the voters feel that these individuals or groups do not take into account what is best for the people but rather what is of importance for just the cause that is supported.