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Q: What involves replacing faulty genes with normal working genes in order to provide a cure for a genetic disorder?
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What is the crucial drawback in using family studies to try to determine the risk of a genetic disorder among relatives sharing a household?

Lack of information about other family members, especially from previous generations because of deceased family members, who obviously cannot provide information about past manifestations of the disorder.

Does polyploidy provide genetic basis in evolution?


How do you determine your child's origin?

Determining a child's origin typically involves a combination of genetic testing, family history information, and any available records or documentation. This can help identify the child's biological parents and ancestral background. If unsure, consulting with a healthcare professional or genetic counselor can provide additional guidance.

Does asexual reproduction provide for genetic diversity the raw material for evolution?

That answer is false it does not provide gentic diversity.

Job of the ribosomes?

It involves in protein synthesis.It provide the surface for it.

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There are many options for people with anxiety disorder, all of which provide safe and healthy ways for people with this disorder to cope. The best, and usually only way to approach someone with this disorder is gently speak to them about their symptoms.

Are stem cells bad?

Some people see stem cell experiments as bad because to get 8 cells, you have to sacrifice an embryo which some people think of as a human life. Although, stem cells are revolutionising the world of medicine, they can turn into any cell at all and can replace any faulty genes in someone who has a genetic disorder and the research on them has provided and will provide even more ways to prevent genetic disorders.

Where can someone find an information for Auditory Processing Disorder online?

One can find information on Auditory Processing Disorder from many websites. KidsHealth, Wikipedia, and National Center for Learning Disabilities provide information about Auditory Processing Disorder.

How do you get your banana grass to grow something other than bananas?

Genetic mutation. Banana trees, which are technically a grass, provide the banana fruit. This cannot change except by severe genetic mutation.

What services does the Atlantic Express Company provide?

The kind of service the Atlantic Express Company provide is a service of transportation of any sorts. It provide transportation for students as well and involves the use of school buses.