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The compound formed when hydrogen and chlorine combine is hydrogen chloride, with formula HCl. In pure form, this compound has highly polar covalent bonds, but when dissolved in water, the compound ionizes.

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Q: What ionic compound is formed when hydrogen and chlorine combine?
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The compound is a salt, CaCl2 (calcium chloride), which is formed by ionic bonds.

The new substance formed when elements combine chemically n?

When elements combine chemically compounds are formed. For instance, when hydrogen and oxygen gases chemically combine, water is formed. Note that if a molecule is made up of only one element, it is referred to as an element, not a compound.

What does HCI mean in the periodic table?

HCl is a compound. It is formed by hydrogen and chlorine present in periodic table.

How do you use the science word compound in a sentence?

When two or more elements combine in chemistry, a compound is formed. Water is a compound made from oxygen and hydrogen. Salt is a compound. Vinegar is a compound.

How many atoms of HCl are in one molecule of HCl?

There are no atoms of HCl in one molecule of HCl, because HCl is not an atom. It is a molecule. HCl is made of two parts: hydrogen atoms, and chlorine atoms. Each molecule of HCl contains one hydrogen atom and one chlorine atom. H stands for hydrogen, and Cl stands for chlorine. Compare this to H2O, which is the chemical formula for water. Water has 2 hydrogen atoms and 1 oxygen atom.

What compound is formed when hydrogen and carbon combined?

Hydrogen and carbon combine to form many, many different compounds known as hydrocarbons. Please see the link.

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When they combine chemically, they form compounds, which can have very different chemical properties than the constituent elements.If they are combined physically, they only form mixtures, alloys, or colloids.

What it is substance formed when two or more elements combine?

A compound

What is formed when hydrogen and chlorine gas reaction?

By the reaction of hydrogen and chlorine gas HCl (Hydrochloric acid) may be formed. To bring about this reaction free radicals of hydrogen and chlorine in the ionic form are needed.

What is the formula of the ionic compound formed between magnesium and chlorine?

The ionic compound formed between magnesium and chlorine has the formula MgCl2.

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The compound formed between rubidium and chlorine has the formula RbCl.

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When hydrogen burns, water is formed.