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Q: What ions pass into the cell when the channels are activated by GABA neurotransmitters?
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Name two channels through which chloride ions could pass into the cell?

GABA chemically gated channels and chloride nongated channels

What goes from the synapse to the cell body?

Small chemicals called 'neurotransmitters' that are released into the synapse will diffuse across the synaptic cleft and bind to postsynaptic receptors (which may be on a cell body, or a dendrite). Examples of neurotransmitters are: adrenaline/epinephrine, acetylcholine, glutamate, serotonin, GABA, glycine and dopamine.

What transfers the nerve impulse from one neuron to another cell at the synapse?

When the sodium ions that entered the cell through the ion channels diffuse into the axon terminal of the neuron, they activate voltage-gated calcium ion channels. As calcium ions flow into the cell, neurotransmitters are released from the cell. These neurotransmitters diffuse across the synapse and activate sodium ion channels in the post-synaptic cell, allowing sodium to flow in and depolarize the cell enough to start another action potential.

What is the purpose of lamotrigine?

Lamotrigine is thought to act at sodium channels in the neuron (nerve cell) to reduce the amount of excitatory neurotransmitters that the nerve cell releases.

What are other names for a pore in a cell membrane?

Depends on what the pore does. If they are channels - they are called Channels. Voltage gated / ligand activated channels. If they are to communicate with neighbouring cells - they are called gap junctions.

What causes absence seizure?

Absence seizures are implicated with an abnormal imbalance of certain chemicals in the brain that modulate nerve cell activity (one of these neurotransmitters is called GABA, which functions as an inhibitor).

What effect do neurotransmitters from one neuron have on the next neuron?

The two major effects are excitatory and inhibitory. For example ACh leads to the post-synaptic cell's depolarization while GABA or glycine will hyperpolarize the post-synaptic cell. But this is all a simplification. Some synapses have an effect of neuromodulators sometimes released as a co-transmitter (e.g. NPY and epinephrine from sympathetic ganglionic neurons). In some situations the cotransmitter can have a mixture of effects.

What do the excitatory neurotransmitters do?

Exitatory neurotransmitters, such as acetylcholine and glutamate, bind as ligands to ligand-gated channel proteins. Once these neurotransmitters have binded to these transport proteins, the channel opens between the outside and inside of the cell. Once open, sodium (Na+) ions tend to rush into the cell from the outside along with the electrochemical gradient, because these ions want to go from high concentration and positive membrane charge to where there is a lower concentration of Na+ and a more negative membrane charge. This action depolarizes the membrane, meaning the difference in voltage between the inside and the outside of the cell membrane becomes less negative. Depolarization of the cell membrane increases the likelihood of firing an action potential down that neuron, opening calcium (Ca2+) channels in the synaptic terminals, causing an influx of calcium, which causes vesicles filled with neurotransmitters to fuse to the presynaptic membrane, releasing the neurotransmitters into the synapse, starting the whole process over again.

Neurotransmitters released by 1 nerve cell are received by?

Neurotransmitters released by 1 nerve cell are received by another neuron. The receptor of a postsynaptic neuron receives the neurotransmitters.

What is the conducting unit of the nerve tissue?

The axon is the conducting part of the neuron. It conducts the impulse from the cell body to the terminals, where ion channels open in response to the impulse, mediators are activated, neurotransmitter crosses synapse and attaches at the post-synaptic membrane, opening the ion channels there and depolarizing the cell, and propagating the impulse towards another cell body via the post-synaptic cell's axon.

Neurotransmitters attach to what molecules in the cell membrane?

Neurotransmitters attach to proteins with sugars attached. The receptors then tell the molecules what to do and where to go in the cell.

What barrier in the cell that is embedded with channels?

The "cell membrane" is the cell that is embedded with channels.