

What is 'Cowboy Junction'?

Updated: 10/27/2022
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16y ago

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"When Brokeback Mountain came out, I had no idea it would be such a popular hit. I was completely ignorant of the fact that it was nominated for the Oscars etc... I thought, something different, something to add some luster and edgyness to my mundane existance. It was a sweet movie, but not at all edgy. Cowboy Junction satisfied that need for luster and edgyness the way that Brokeback couldn't. Without being pornographic, the love scenes were real and courageous. Sure, it was low budget and you have to get around the fact that millions of dollars weren't spent to make the film look beautiful and grandiose. But the acting was remarkable and the plot was dark, twisted, and intense. Just when you think the two lovers will finally be together, a dark secret unfolds that ties the missing puzzles in the dream sequences and flashbacks together. This movie is the dark side of Brokeback. And the lead cowboy played by stunning James Bobby is a photogenic hotty. If you're not into low budget films, watch it just for him. He's a budding star if I ever saw one. The wife, played by Elyse Mirto gives off a hair raising performance that reflects many levels. Her character is vulnerable, sexy, hideous, and verging on maddness at one point. She tackled the challenges of playing such a character with the guile of a skilled artist. The Husband, played by Gregory Christian, who also wrote and produced the film has a rare presence that I cannot compare with any other actor. He gives you shivers with his dark stare and stillness. You know there are sinister secrets and repressed thoughts behind his eyes. Yet, he often appears light hearted and playful like your favorite gay neighbor. "You'll either love or hate the dialogue. It is full of wise cracks, put downs and low blows. There is a raciness to what is said despite the intense nature of the plot. Don't be afraid to laugh. There is wit to it. Gregory didn't seem to mind when I laughed, gasped and made remarks such as, "no she didn't!" "INTENSE is the best way to describe this film, "like you know something bad is about to happen any minute," as one audience member put it. An original and brave first feature for Gregory Christian. I think I see a budding David Lynch or Quentin Tarantino in our midst." - Rhea Morales is an independent film reviewer

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In My Sims kingdom how what do you do in cowboy junction?

ask the sims around and u will find out

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I think you mean musical notes.You get them in trees in cowboy junction.

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in cow boy junction if you go to the tomato patch there are two dandelions if you pull them both up the first one will give you a pineapple and the second one will give you two tires. there are other dandelions about also in cowboy junction that will also give you tires they will always be in a patch of two hope this helps