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are you an only child

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Q: What is 'Est-ce que tu es enfant unique' when translated from French to English?
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What does sont suis enfant unique mean in French?

sont / suis enfant unique means "are / is an only child" in French.

How do you say only child in French?

"seul enfant, enfant unique". This is not gender specific, and the words "fils unique / fille unique" (only son / only daughter) are more common in spoken French.

What does Il est enfant unique mean?

Il est enfant unique

What is 'le véritable pistolet français unique' when translated from French to English?

The real French pistol 'Unique' ('Unique' was a brand name of pistols in the past, used by the police. They had a reputation for being inefficient.)

How do you say one of a kind in french?

one of a kind is translated 'unique' in French

What is 'unique hair' when translated from English to Italian?

"Unique hair" in English is capelli unici in Italian.

What does je suis enfant unique mean in English?

I am an only child (ie I haven't got any brothers or sisters)

What is the word 'unique' when translated from English to Japanese?

Yuniiku.Mezurashii. :]

What is the french word for unique?

'Unique' - it is the same as English.

What is 'Callie' when translated from English to French?

In slang: amazing, cool, funny, great, fun times, hilarious, silly, cute, nice, sweet, unique, great to hang out with.In English it is a nickname for Caroline. Caroline means strong in both English and French.

How do you say my only daughter in french?

I am not an only child is "je ne suis pas enfant unique" in French. Although this is correct, the way we would say it is "je ne suis pas fils unique" (only son) or "fille unique" (only daughter). Or we would say "j'ai un frère / une soeur" (I have a brother / a sister).

What does je suis enfant unique mean?

I'm an only child