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"when did my wife change her home and where is she living now?"
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Q: What is 'Quand ma femme a changé de domicile et où habite-t-elle maintenant' when translated from French to English?
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What is 'Tu es grand maintenant' when translated from French to English?

Tu es grand maintenant in French means "You are big now" literally or "You've grown" loosely in English.

What is 'Tu sais parler français maintenant' when translated from French to English?

"do you speak French now?"

What is 'Quelle heure est-il maintenant' when translated from French to English?

Quelle heure est-il? in French means "What time is it now?" in English.

What does the french word maintenant mean in English?

Maintenant means 'now'

What is 'I will now briefly review in French' when translated from English to French?

Maintenant, je vais brièvement étudier le français.

What does 'maintenant' mean in English?

The word 'maintenant' is an adverb. Its meaning is now. But it also may mean nowadays, today.

What is 'Maintenant vous parlez' when translated from French to English?

"Now you speak" is an English equivalent of the French phrase Maintenant vous parlez. Context makes clear whether the audience is of one person or more since vous translates as "you" in the singular and "you" and "you all" in the plural. The pronunciation will be "mehnt-naw voo par-ley" in Alsatian French.

Maintenant on le sait in English?

Now we know it

What does maintenanat mean in English?

the French word "maintenant" means "now" in English.

What is 'now and forever' when translated from English to French?

Maintenant et à jamais! is a French equivalent of the English phrase "now and forever!" The phrase translates literally as "now and to ever" in English. The pronunciation will be "meht-naw ey a zha-meh" in French.

What does non pas maintenant mean in french?

In English it means 'Not now'.

What is the latin word Domus in English?

domicile, domain