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Qui, vous? in French means "Who, you?" in English.

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Q: What is 'Qui vous' when translated from French to English?
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"qui êtes-vous" means "who are you" in French.

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Transalate who are you in French?

English: Who are you ? French : Qui est tu? "Tu" is informal or familiar, "vous" is formal. It's not likely you would use "tu" to ask someone who they are, should be "Qui est vous" - but, if you're asking "what is your name?", it is "Comment allez vous?".

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"Who indeed are you?" is a literal English equivalent of the French phrase Qui bien êtes vous? The pronunciation of the interrogative in the second person formal singular "you"/informal plural "you all" will be "kee bya et voo" in French.

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What is 'Qui es-tu' when translated from French to English?

Qui es-tu? in French means "Who are you?" in English.

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Je suis qui? in French means "Who am I?" in English.

What is 'Qui ça' when translated from French to English?

Qui ça? in French means "Who that?" literally and "Who are you talking about?" loosely in English.

What is 'Qui peut dire' when translated from French to English?

Qui peut dire? in French means "Who can tell?" in English.