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sei la persona più Bella del mondo

the exact translation :)

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Q: What is 'You are the coolest person in the world' when translated from English to Italian?
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Bruno in Italian means "Bruno" as a name and "(a person with) dark brown (hair)" in English.

What is 'beautiful person' when translated from English to Italian?

Bella persona is a literal Italian equivalent of the English phrase "beautiful person." The feminine singular adjective and noun also may be translated into English as "handsome person" according to the gender of the person in question. The pronunciation will be "BEL-la per-SO-na" in Italian.

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"You are funny!" in English is Sei divertente! to one person, and Siete divertenti! to two or more individuals, in Italian.

What is 'Enjoy yourself' when translated from English to Italian?

"Enjoy yourself!" in English is Divertiti! to one person and Divertitevi! to two or more individuals in Italian.

What is 'You are a fabulous person' when translated from English to Italian?

Vi sono una splendida persona.

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"We love you" in English means Ti amiamo (to one person) and Vi amiamo (to two or more individuals) in Italian.

What is 'poor thing' when translated from English to Italian?

"Poor thing" in English is cosa povera for an object and poverina in the feminine or poverino in the masculine for a person in Italian.

What is 'loves' when translated from English to Italian?

Amori is an Italian equivalent of the English word "loves." The masculine plural noun references the passion and the person. The pronunciation will be "a-MO-ree" in Italian.

What is 'potrò' when translated from Italian to English?

"I will be able" is an English equivalent of the Italian word potrò. The Italian verb is in the first person singular (io, "I") of the future indicative. The pronunciation will be "po-TRO" in Italian.