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Calcio italiano dal 1910 in Italian is "Italian Football since 1910" in English.

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Q: What is 'calcio italiano dal 1910' when translated from Italian to English?
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"Soccer" in English is calcio in Italian.

What is 'I love football' when translated from English to Italian?

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What is 'calcio' when translated from Italian to English?

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What is 'Love football' when translated from English to Italian?

Ama il calcio, Amare il calcio! and Amate il calcio! are Italian equivalents of the English phrase "Love football!" Context makes clear whether one "you" (cases 1, 2) or two or more "you all" (examples 2, 3) suits. The respective pronunciations will be "A-ma eel KAL-tcho," "a-MA-rey eel KAL-tcho" and "a-MA-tey eel KAL-tcho" in Pisan Italian.

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What is 'I like soccer the best' when translated from English to Italian?

Il calcio mi piace piuù di tutti is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "I like soccer the best." The declarative/exclamatory statement translates as "The soccer please me more than everything (everybody, everyone)!" in English. The pronunciation will be "eel KAL-tcho mee PYA-tchey pyoo dee TOOT-tee" in Italian.

What is the Italian word 'calcio' in English?

"Soccer" is an English equivalent of the Italian word "calcio."Specifically, the Italian word is a masculine noun. Its singular definite article is "il" ("the"). The pronunciation is "KAHL-tchyoh."The English loan word "football" also may used to mean "soccer." In such a case, the game of football that is not soccer and that is played in the United States of America is called "il football americano."

What is 'How was football' when translated from English to Italian?

Com'è stato il calcio? and Com'è stato il football? are Italian equivalents of the English phrase "How was football?" Context makes clear whether "soccer" (case 1) or "football" (example 2) suits. The respective pronunciations will be "ko-MEH STA-to eel KAL-tcho" and "ko-MEH STA-to eel foot-ball" in Italian.

What is 'I love soccer' when translated from English to Italian?

Amo il calcio is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "I love soccer." The first person singular present indicative with masculine singular definite article and noun need not begin with the pronoun io ("I") -- except for emphasis -- since context and verb endings make the subject clear. The pronunciation will be "A-mo eel KAL-tcho" in Italian.