

What is 'tomato' in Latin?

Updated: 12/6/2022
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Q: What is 'tomato' in Latin?
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What is the tomato's Latin name?

The Latin name for the tomato is Lycopersicon esculentum, and the Family name is Solanaceae (Nightshade)

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What language did the tomato come from?

Tomato's come from South America, so the word would be a Latin based language.

What languages did tomato come from?

Tomato's come from South America, so the word would be a Latin based language.

What vegetable originally came from a Latin American country?

Tomato (Mexico).

What is the latin name for tomato?

It is your mother and could quite be your grandmother. They relate to the tomato as in "Your (grand)mother looks like an old tomato". They are usually found in bed with your (step)dad and are can be doing something naughty.

What is a named of a Latin America vegetables?

Tomato = jitomate / tomatePassion fruit = maracuyáCommon Bean = frijolGuaranaPeanut = cacahuate

Where does tomato soup come from?

Starting in 1783, James Whoreman of Boston, Lincolnshire first melted down a pot of brick to create a steaming broth. The name 'soup' translates literally in latin to, 'Bear pig'.

When is a tomato considered a tomato?

When it's a tomato.

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Is tomato or tomato juice good for your prostrate

What is better tomato puree or fried tomato?

Tomato puree