

What is 0.00000000016 to scientific?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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14y ago

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1.6x10 to the negative 10th power (1.6x10 with a little -10 after the big one)

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Q: What is 0.00000000016 to scientific?
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Of or pertaining to science; used in science; as, scientific principles; scientific apparatus; scientific observations., Agreeing with, or depending on, the rules or principles of science; as, a scientific classification; a scientific arrangement of fossils., Having a knowledge of science, or of a science; evincing science or systematic knowledge; as, a scientific chemist; a scientific reasoner; a scientific argument.

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What is the difference a scientific theory and scientific law?

A scientific theory is an explanation of some natural phenomenon. A scientific law is a succinct statement of some aspect of a scientific theory.

What is the definition of scientific?

Of or pertaining to science; used in science; as, scientific principles; scientific apparatus; scientific observations., Agreeing with, or depending on, the rules or principles of science; as, a scientific classification; a scientific arrangement of fossils., Having a knowledge of science, or of a science; evincing science or systematic knowledge; as, a scientific chemist; a scientific reasoner; a scientific argument.

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scientific calculators have scientific calculations such as scientific notation, but mechanical ones dont.

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use scientific evidence to support your answer