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Q: What is 1 of the reasons why Carver encouraged the farmers to grow peanuts?
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What did George Washington Carver teach farmers in the south in the early 1930s?

George Carver encouraged farmers to plant alternative crops instead of cotton. The crop he was most interested in was Peanuts because he not only saw them as a nutritional crop but for other products to improve their lives.

Where did George Washington Carver grow his peanuts?

from shouthern farmers

What did George Washington Carver teach farmers to grow?

It was peanuts

How did peanut butter help farmers?

George Washington Carver is often credited with inventing 300 different uses for peanuts . Carver was one of many USDA researcherswho encouraged cotton farmers in the South to grow peanuts instead of, or in addition to cotton, because cotton had depleted so much nitrogen from the soil, and one of the peanut's properties as a legume is to put nitrogen back into the soil (a process known as nitrogen fixation). Thus peanut butter helped farmers have a product to grow that helped fix their ruined soil!

How long did George Washington Carver help farmers grow crops made out of peanuts?

Over 20 years.

Why did George Washington Carver give farmers and houses peanut butter?

George Washington Carver promoted peanut butter, partly as a nutritionally useful product, but primarily because he knew peanuts were very good for the soil as a crop in a rotation cycle, and he wanted to give farmers a market for the peanuts they grew.

How many products did George Washington Carver make from sweet potatoes?

George Washington Carver published bulletins for poor farmers to alternate their crops. As a result he developed and promoted 100 products made from peanuts that would be of use around the farm.

What are four things George Washington Carver invent with peanuts?


What person encouraged the US to plant peanuts and sweet potatoes to enrich soil?

George Washington Carver suggested growing peanuts and sweet potatoes in fallow cotton fields to replenish the soil of nutrients lost when growing cotton.

How did George Washington Carver change the American Life with peanuts?

George Washington Carver was a genius in agriculture. He researched and directed others in the research of agronomy projects to help the South. He coaxed farmers to diverse their farms into peanuts and sweet potatoes. His research in peanuts made them useful in countless ways. Americans love peanuts and thus he was a revolutionary in their use, influencing all Americans and the world as well.

The scientist who discovered more than 300 uses for peanuts?

George Washington Carver discovered peanuts and invented many things out of them.

What was George Washington Carver's career?

For his work on peanuts.