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Q: What is 1 possible cause of soil heaving up and tilting a sidewalk?
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What is the major cause of deformation of the Earth's crust?

Bending, tilting & breaking

How is folding different from tilting?

Folding happens when rock layers bend and buckle under pressure. Tilting happens when forces from inside Earth cause rock layers to become slanted.

Does salt on a sidewalk cause mechanical or chemical weathering to the sidewalk?

Chemical, the sodium in the salt exchanges with calcium in the concrete. The chemical products are all water soluble and the surface of the sidewalk washes away.

What evidence is there that distance from the sun is not a cause of the seasons?

It is the tilting of the Earth on its axis that causes the seasons, not the distance from the Sun.

What evidence is there that the distance of the sun is not the cause of the seasons?

It is the tilting of the Earth on its axis that causes the seasons, not the distance from the Sun.

Does traveling cause you to vomit why?

Beacause its not humanly possible to travel as fast as a car so some people get queezy (alternative answer) Travel can cause motion sickness. This results from the difficulty your brain has in combining what you see, which is the interior of your vehicle, with the motion that is perceived by your inner ear, resulting from tilting of the body.

What is the Major cause for the seasonal temperature variation at any given latitude on earth?

If you live in the northern hemisphere, summertime is when the earth is tilting closer to the sun. Winter is when the earth is tilting farther away. It the opposite if you're living in the southern hemisphere.

Is breaking and tilting and folding of rocks caused by liquefaction?

Liquefaction occurs due to seismic waves affecting the density and hence pore water pressure in (usually) coarse grained soils. It does not cause the breaking, tilting or folding of rocks.

What does Escherichia coli cause?

Their cause depends on their location. If they're sitting on the sidewalk, then they cause a contaminated area that should be avoided by humans until it the sidewalk can be disinfected. If they are in the large intestine, then they cause the breakdown of indigestible food material and contribute to proper digestion. If they are in the esophagus, stomach and small intestine, then they cause a person to become violently ill until they are eradicated from that part of the digestive tract.

What is the major cause of the winter season in the US?

The earth's northern hemisphere tilting away from the sun, receiving less direct sunlight, causing temperatures to drop and cause winter.

How can you use a roller skate a sidewalk and watermto demonstrate how rollind friction works?

If you push a rollerskate down the sidewalk and don't keep pushing it, rolling friction will eventually cause it to stop on its own (assuming that the sidewalk is level and not on a hill)

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Possible cause of war?