

What is 1 sulphur and 2 oxyegens?

Updated: 9/23/2023
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Q: What is 1 sulphur and 2 oxyegens?
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Is a molecule of hydrogen sulphide made up of 1 hydrogen atom and 2 sulphur atoms?

No, 2 Hydrogen, 1 Sulphur. H2S

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1 sulphur, 2 selenium selenium sulphate

Why C2S why not CS2?

the number of atoms present in carbon is 2 and the number of sulphur is,it is c2s and not cs2.if cs2 the number of sulphur becomes 2 and carbon becomes 1,which is actually wrong.

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That would be Sulphur Dioxide or SO2

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+1 for each H and -2 for sulphur

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symbol of 1 mlecule of sulphur

How many atoms does SO2 have?

Each molecule of SO2 (sulphur dioxide) is made up of three atoms (1 sulphur atom and 2 oxygen atoms).

What is the advantage of transporting sulfur as a liquid?

1 - sulphur's density is 2g/cm3 and does not weigh that much 2 - liquid sulphur does not stink, or give out a foul smell 3 - liquid sulphur is easier to transport than gas sulfur

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FeS2 means 1 x Fe = 1 x iron 2 x S = 2 x sulphur. So there is one atom of iron and two atoms of sulphur in the molecule.

How do you differentiate between sulphur dioxide and sulphur trioxide?

The difference between sulphur dioxide and sulphur trioxide is that there are 2 molecules of oxygen present in sulphur dioxide (SO2) and there are 3 molecules of oxygen are present in sulphur trioxide (SO3).

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-2 for sulphur and +1 for each copper.