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  1. Dee returning home after a long absence and expressing interest in the old quilts made by her grandmother.
  2. Dee insisting on taking the quilts for display rather than everyday use, causing conflict between her and her family.
  3. Mama's decision to give the quilts to Maggie instead of Dee, signaling a shift in power dynamics and highlighting the importance of heritage and tradition.
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Q: What is 3 main events leading up to the climax of everyday use?
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What are the main events in the story?

Climax is a moment when the protagonist achieves his Goal.

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Conflict, main events, climax, resolution

What is main events in plot?

The main events in a plot typically revolve around the introduction of characters and setting, the development of conflict, rising action leading to a climax, falling action, and ultimately resolution. These events drive the story forward and keep readers engaged.

What is the literary term rising action?

The literary term for rising action is called exactly that rising action that leads to the climax and comes after the exposition.

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Rising action in literature refers to the series of events that build tension and conflict in a story, leading to the climax. It is the section of the plot where the main problem or conflict is introduced and develops, setting the stage for the resolution of the story.

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Rising action is the series of events that build tension and conflict in a story, leading up to the climax. It is the section of the plot where the main character faces obstacles and challenges that propel the story forward towards the climax.

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During the climax, the main character typically experiences a realization or change in perspective that drives them to make a crucial decision or take action. This shift often results in personal growth or enlightenment for the character, leading to a resolution of the main conflict in the story.

What is the rising action of a story?

Short version: A series of events that build in tensity before the climax

What is post climax of story?

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What does a rising action of a story mean?

Rising action event is a series of events that take place in a story leading up to the climax. It is a way to build suspense and anticipation in a story and to build up to the main conflict. The rising action event is often the most exciting part of the story as it builds up to the climax. The rising action event is the part of the story that starts after the introduction and before the climax. It involves a series of events that slowly raise the tension and suspense for the reader. The rising action event is the part of the story that leads up to the climax where the conflict of the story is resolved. It is often the most exciting part of the story as it builds up to the climax.