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These are the 613 commandments that were given by God to the Jewish people.

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Q: What is 613 mitzvot all about?
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To keep all 613 of the mitzvot in the bible.

What are the rules for Jewish people called?

"the 613 Mitzvot," or "Halacha"

How many commendments are there in the Torah?

Tradition holds that there are 613 mitzvot in the Torah.

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Do orthodox Jews follow all of the 613 commands of the Old Testament?

As Jews, Orthodox or otherwise, do not accept the validity of the Christian Old Testament, they do not follow anything in that text. The Jewish Bible is called the Tanach which is what the Christian Old Testament was based on. Within the Tanach, prevailing tradition holds that there 613 mitzvot or guidelines. Of these guidelines, many are tribe specific, job specific, gender specific, and location specific so all 613 mitzvot do not apply to any one person. Individuals observe those mitzvot that are applicable to them as an individual.

How many Mitzvah's are there?

613, which are divided into 365 negative commandments ("do not...") and 248 positive commandments ("Do...").

What is the number of mitzvos that were given to the Jewish people?

The prevailing tradition holds that there are 613 mitzvot in the Torah.

Are there any laws or rules in Judaism. If so what are they?

There are 613 mitzvot (guidelines) in Judaism, all of which appear in the Torah (known by Christians as the Pentateuch). Judaism also has a fully developed set of laws, similar to those of any country, these laws are called 'halacha' and can be found in the Talmud. For a complete list of these commandments, please check the related link or Google: 613 mitzvot.

What did a person that believes in Judaism have to do?

Keep the 613 mitzvot (or rules). These include the 10 Commandments given on Mt. Sinai to Moses.

What is the core beliefs of orthadox Jews?

Note first that Judaism as a whole is more about what you do than what you believe. Orthodox Jews believe that Jews are obligated by all 613 mitzvot (commandments) in the Torah and should act accordingly, using the traditional interpretations of these mitzvot as explained by Orthodox Rabbis.

What are the guidelines of judaism?

Tradition holds that there are 613 guidelines by which Jews are to live, the Hebrew word for these guidelines is 'mitzvah' (singular) | 'mitzvot' (plural).

What is the moral code of the Jews called?

The Jewish moral code is called the Torah and consists of 613 groups of commandments and lots of stories about how to behave properly. The Torah is also known as The Old Testament. One version of the 613 commandmentscan be found at