

What is 999999 in Roman numerals?

Updated: 12/12/2022
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14y ago

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In today's modern notation it is: (CMXCIX)CMXCIX

Numerals in brackets indicate multiplication by a thousand.

So: 999*1000+999 = 999,999

However, the Romans themselves would have probably calculated this number out on a abacus counting device as (DCCCCLXXXXVIIII)DCCCCLXXXXVIIII which can be simplified to I(M) in the same way that the numerals VIIII and XXXX (9 and 40) are simplified to IX and XL respectively.

The way we write out Roman numerals today is different to the way that the Romans actually did themselves because today's rules governing the Roman numeral system were introduced during the Middle Ages and that was centuries after the decline of the Roman Empire.

Evidence can still be found today in medieval manuscripts, on ancient monuments and buildings giving details of how these numerals were once written the most famous of these buildings being the Coliseum in Rome.

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