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Spinal cord.

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Q: What is A bundle of parallel neurons in the CNS called?
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Another name for a bundle of nerve fibers is what?

It is called a dendrite.~

What neuron conducts impulses away from the CNS to muscles or glands?

Efferent neurons (sometimes called motor neurons) transmit signals from the CNS to the effector cells.

When a group of neurons that carry impulses from the CNS to effectors are clustered together they are called what?

Motor neurons.

Are all the efferent neurons motor all the afferent neurons sensory and all the CNS neurons inter neurons?

Yes. However, it is better put that most of the interneurons are found in the part of the CNS called the spinal cord.

A group of neurons with shared functions in the CNS is called a?

nerve tract

Why sensory neurons are called as afferent neurons?

The reason why Sensory neurons are called as afferent neurons is:_ Afferent Neurons mean the neurons carries the nerve impulse toward the brain (CNS) or the spinal cord (PNS)._ Sensory which always begins from the outside spaces, or peripheral places outside from CNS or PNS, need to be carried to CNS or PNS to analyze.That's the reason why they called sensory neurons as afferent neurons which bring sensor toward the brain or spinal cord and it's exactly the way where sensory goes

What is the bundle of axons called in the CNS?

Axons and dendrites that go to or from the same region of the body travel together in bundles, somewhat like telephone cables. A nerve is a bundle of axons and/or dendrites in the PNS. A bundle of axons and/or dendrites in the CNS is called a tract.for more info see link below

Where are somatic neurons located?

in the CNS

What does an interneuron do in the CNS?

An interneuron is also called an association neuron. Its job is to communicate with other neurons.

What is a bundle of nerve processes inside the CNS?

The usual name for a bundle of nerve processes within the CNS is "tract" or "fasciculus"

What The two types of cells of the nervous system are?

Neurons or the nerve cells are the basic unit of nervous system. Based on their function (as in whether they transmit impulse from the CNS or to the CNS) neurons are classified as sensory neurons (carry impulses to the CNS), motor neurons (carry impulses from the CNS to the target organ) and mixed neurons which perform both the functions. The neurons can also be classified based on the number of associated axons or even presence or absences of axons.

What is a neurons that carry impules away from the central nervous systrem to the body?

Motor neurons, also called efferent or effector neurons condust impulses away from the CNS to muscles and glands.Motor neurons tracts (including those from the autonomic nervous system) are called effector pathways. This is because they mediate actions like an increased heart rate or vasoconstriction.