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Q: What is A road feature showed by a double red line?
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What do double broken white lines in the road mean?

When there are broken double white lines in the road, it means you can cross the lines to pass as long as it is safe. You must be able to safely be back in your lane before you reach a solid white line.

What type of road would you find a double solid line?

It describes a no passing zone of a two-lane road with opposing lanes of travel.

What is the center of a two way road marked with?

Possibilities are: Single or Double white line, Single or Double yellow line, Solid white line next to broken white line, Solid yellow line next to broken white line, No line on rural country lane roads.

What color indicate the center of a two way road?

Possibilities are: Single or Double white line, Single or Double yellow line, Solid white line next to broken white line, Solid yellow line next to broken white line, No line on rural country lane roads.

Is it legal to block a lane of road when it is a 2 lane road with a double line?

It is never legal to block a road. If you must do so for construction or other reasons, it will require a permit from the jurisdiction.

What Do the lines on the road look like when you are in a passing lane?

a blur? no if you are in a passing lane the line to the right will be a white line that has skips, and the line to your left will be a solid yellow or double yellow

When there is a double yellow line on the road and emergency equipment is traveling towards the driver is it required by law to pull to the side of the road?

With or without the double line a driver is required to pull over when emergency equipment is coming towards the driver. Unless the roadway is divided by a physical barrier, this is ALWAYS what the driver needs to do.

What does a double yellow line mean in the center of a highway?

A double solid yellow line in the center of the highway is there to separate the two directions of traffic. In most cases, you should not cross that line. On a two-lane road where passing is allowed, one line (or both) will usually become a dashed yellow line. Some locales do not allow turns off the highway across a double yellow line.

What fictional story was the yellow brick road a feature of?

The yellow brick road was a feature of the Novel "The Wonderful Wizard of Oz". This was a novel written by L. Frank Baum. It was the road that lead to Emerald City.

What is a goegraphic feature?

A feature of the land, such as a mountain, valley, river, plateau, road, distinctive landmark, etc.

What does a solid yellow double line indicate in the middle of the road?

Two continuous lines down the middle of the road indicate that you should not pass on that section of road. Most often, this is because visibility is limited on that stretch of highway.

What is a road scape?

Roadscape is a landscape in which road is the most visible feature. In other words, it is a picture depicting road as an expanse of scenery.