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Q: What is A sexually transmitted disease that has 3 stages?
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What's Syphilis?

Syphilis is a sexually transmitted disease (STD), caused by spiral-shaped spirochete bacterium, Treponema pallidum. The disease has been known under many names during history, including the "French disease" and the "Great Pox". Syphilis has had a prominent role in history and literature for the last several hundred years.The route of transmission of syphilis is almost always by sexual contact. However, there are examples of congenital syphilis via transmission from mother to child in utero.Syphilis can be easily treated with antibiotics including penicillin. The oldest, and still most effective, method is an intramuscular injection of benzathine penicillin. If not treated, syphilis can cause serious effects such as damage to the heart, aorta, brain, eyes, and bones. In some cases these effects can be fatal. In 1998, the complete genetic sequence of T. pallidumwas published which may aid understanding of the pathogenesis of syphilis."Syphillis" is a sexually transmitted disease caused by the bacterium Treponema pallidum. Syphillis can be treated with antibiotics. But if its left untreated, syphillis can damage the heart, aorta, brain, eyes, and bones. Symptoms of syphillis are numerous and vary by the stages of syphillis.Syphilis is a sexually transmitted disease. It requires proper medical treatment or it can cause severe health problems, incuding death.It is a very contagious STD (sexual transmitted disease) it gives a red rash on your most precious body part and is easily treated with penicillineSyphilis is a STD (sexually transmited disease) caused by a bacterial infection. It is possible for syphilis to eventually cause death if left untreated. Treatment is often the medication Penicillin or another similar medication but less treatment is required the sooner the person receives treatment.Primary prevention for syphilis is abstinence, practicing safe sex, monogamous relationships, and if you have syphilis - not having any sexual contact until treated (and approved) by a medical professional.a chronic sexually transmitted disease caused by bacteriumSyphilis is a sexually transmitted disease caused by spirochetal bacteria subspecies.Syphilis is a sexual transmitted disease caused by a spirochete called treponema pallidum , transmitted between partners its divided into 3 stages first stage characterized by an painless ulcer called chancre will appear on the penis vagina anus mouth it could pass unnoticed, seconed stage characterized by rash usually involve the palms and soles , third stage Tertiary syphilis involve many organs mainly heart and brain.

What are the disease of the liver?

the four stages of liver disease are: 1.) Inflammation 2.) Fibrosis 3.) Cirrhosis 4.) and well cancer...

Why is cottage cheese looking discharge?

It means you either have a vaginal infection or you have a sexually transmitted disease. Either way, it is highly recommended to go see a doctor.AnswerIt means that you most likely have a yeast infection. Use a 3 day cream to treat it. Do not have sex until it clears up.

Why do you put on condums?

I think you mean 'condoms'. They are used for : - #1 to prevent impregnation of the woman. #2 to prevent aquiring sexually transmitted diseases (STD). #3 cleanliness.

What are the different stages of lymphedema?

The stages of lymphedema is Stage 0 and this stage has no swelling or signs. Stage 1 is visible swelling. Stage 2 and 3, the disease changes the tissues and infections are common.


microaerohiles 2) Transmitted by arthropods such as ticks & lice. 3) Genome composed of linear chromosome. 4) Relapsing fever & Lyme disease.

What are tiny little bumps in the outer part of your vagina if you're not sexually active and your doctor gave you a cream called nystatin 3 years ago but the bumps came back?

Nystatin is for a yeast infection (NOT sexually transmitted) but this does not usually cause little bumps. I suggest you go back to the doctor.

What will happen after the first coital?

Several things can happen. (1) Since it is very pleasant, you'll probably want to have more in the future. (2) The girl can get pregnant. (3) If one of the two people involved has a dangerous disease, this diseases can be transmitted to the other.Several things can happen. (1) Since it is very pleasant, you'll probably want to have more in the future. (2) The girl can get pregnant. (3) If one of the two people involved has a dangerous disease, this diseases can be transmitted to the other.Several things can happen. (1) Since it is very pleasant, you'll probably want to have more in the future. (2) The girl can get pregnant. (3) If one of the two people involved has a dangerous disease, this diseases can be transmitted to the other.Several things can happen. (1) Since it is very pleasant, you'll probably want to have more in the future. (2) The girl can get pregnant. (3) If one of the two people involved has a dangerous disease, this diseases can be transmitted to the other.

3 stages of pregnancy?

Right the 3 stages are Sex FAT Child.

How many stages does a cockroach?

It has 3 stages. The stages are : Egg, Nymph and the Adult.

How many stages does the V2 rocket have?

3 stages

How many stage does a cockroach have?

It has 3 stages. The stages are : Egg, Nymph and the Adult.