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An epithet

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1mo ago

A stock phrase used to describe a character is a common and often repeated description or characteristic that is frequently associated with that specific character. It serves as a quick and easily recognizable way to identify or categorize the character based on certain traits or behavior.

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Q: What is A stock phrase used to describe a character?
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A stock phrase used to describe a character is known as a?

A stock phrase used to describe a character is known as a character trope. These tropes can be helpful for quickly conveying certain qualities or characteristics of a character to an audience.

Which term is used for a stock phrase that describe a character?

an epithet hopes this helps :)

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Which does not describe the city of teotihuacan?

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What is a stock phrase?

A stock phrase is something that could be used anywhere, its like, some people believe, you could use that in any discussion piece of writing! :)