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Q: What is A substance that breaks down fats and is produced in the liver?
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What is the substance produced when the body breaks down fat for energy?

Glucose when it breaks down protein, it makes Creatine Monohydrate.

What toxin is produced when your liver breaks down alcohol?

acetaldehyde, more toxic than alcohol itself...

What is produced in the liver that helps break down?

Bile is produced by the liver that helps it break down fats.

What chemical enzyme breaks down what nutrient in the liver?

I believe you're referring to the hormone glucagon produced by the alpha cells in the pancreas which causes the liver to break down glycogen. There are no nutrients stored in the liver, the liver stores bile as well as lipase, neither of which are considered "nutrients"

What organ in the body breaks down alcohol?

The liver breaks down alcohol into sugar.

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What organelle breaks down lipids?

your liver

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What enzyme breaks down fats?

Enzyme that break down fatty acids are called lipases. Bile is a substance made in our liver which contains salts that breaks down fat into smaller droplets. The pancreas also contains a substance called pancreatic juice which contains numerous enzymes that work to break down things such as fat, protein and starch.

Does lactic acid fermentation breaks down glucose to release energy in anaerobic respiration?

It doesn't break down glucose per se. It breaks down the pyruvate produced from glycolysis into lactate. Only the liver has the ability to convert lactate back to pyruvate.

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What substance breaks up the fat particles?

Bile salts breaks up large fat droplet into smaller ones. Called chylomicron.