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closes and heals with relatively little scarring-gigi

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Q: What is A surgical incision parallel to the lines of cleavage?
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Incisions should be made across rather than parallel to cleavage lines produced by collagen fiber bundles?

NO CLEAVAGE LINES SHOULD BE MADE PARALLEL. When and incision is made parallel to the cleavage lines, the skin gapes less and heals more readily than when the incision is made across the cleavage lines

Skin cuts parallel gape less?

cleavage lines

What are the parallel lines seen on crystal faces or cleavage planes?

These are called striations.

Why do plastic surgeons make incisions along cleavage lines?

To heal the wound faster. If the incision is made perpendicular to the cleavage line, more fibrin will be damaged. And also to reduce scalp.

When are two lines nonintersecting?

When two lines are parallel, then they do not intersect.

Are parallel lines actually parallel?

If they were not actually parallel then they would not be parallel lines!

Why does the Parthenon have no parallel lines?

it has parallel lines

Does a rectangle have parallel lines?

no parallel lines

What is the function of parallel lines?

parallel lines are diagonal lines or increasing lines

Does perpendicular have parallel lines?

= parallel + perpendicular As such no, perpendicular lines do not naturally have parallel lines. However...connect the lines in the symbols below. ++ ++ And you'll have 4 perpendicular lines, and 4 parallel lines.

What is the importance of cleavage?

Lines of cleavage are of utmost importance to surgeons, because a cut made parallel to a line of cleavage will usually remain closed with only minimal bleeding. Such a cut heals with a minimum of scarring. By contrast, a cut made at a right angle to a cleavage line will be pulled open as cut elastin fibers recoil. This cut will bleed profusely and will produce much scar tissue as it heals.

Skew lines and parallel lines exactly the same?

Skew lines are not parallel. Parallel lines are across from each other in some way and are exactly parallel.