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Soggy or wilted vegetables are commonly described as 'limp'.

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Q: What is A word meaning soggy or wilted when describing vegetables?
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Why does salad lose water on sprinkling salt on to it it?

Salt is hygroscopic, meaning it attracts water. When salt is sprinkled on a salad, it draws out moisture from the vegetables through a process called osmosis. This loss of water can make the salad appear wilted or soggy.

What happens when wilted aspargaus is soaked in water?

nothing don't waste time or money it just gets soggy

Is calcium in pickles?

It keeps the vegetables firm (from becoming soggy). It is often used in canned vegetables for this purpose

What is the meaning of soggy?

Soggy means "soaked with moisture or liquid".

Why does salad become soggy and wilted when the dressing has been on it for a while Explain in terms of osmosis?

It is the same with cereal with milk because when u poor the dressins the lettuce gets wet and soak

Why are julienne vegetables really important for spring rolls?

Because the texture would be odd/unpleasant with thickly cut vegetables, and it would go soggy with grated vegetables. Julienne is just the right size.

Is soggy a prefix?

No, "soggy" is not a prefix. It is an adjective that describes something as soaked or saturated with water. Prefixes are affixes added to the beginning of a word to modify its meaning.

What things are soggy?

Things that have absorbed a lot of water or liquid can become soggy, such as wet paper, soggy cereal in milk, or a soggy sponge.

Is soggy an adjective?

Yes, it is. It means very damp or wet (soggy clothes, soggy ground).

When was Soggy Noodle created?

Soggy Noodle was created in 1993.

Five letter word same meaning as wet?

Humid, teary, soppy, muggy, rainy, soggy,stinkyness from the wet rain

How do you spell soggy?

That is the correct spelling for the adjective "soggy" (wet, drenched).