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i would say any thing that u have never seen or had before. and you should go see your female dr asap. to be safe.

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Q: What is Abnormal vaginal discharge?
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How do you know if you have vaginal infection?

You should have a doctor look at it, but if it's irritated and/or there's abnormal discharge, you might have a problem.

What is a white vaginal secretion?

A white or whitish vaginal secretion is generally not abnormal. It can be a discharge that occurs near the end of the menstrual cycle. If it is bothersome, it is best to see a doctor.

Is having daily vaginal discharge normal?

Yes it is normal to have vaginal discharge daily. A milky colored discharge is normal discharge

Do you still have vaginal discharge when pregnant?

Yes of course. The discharge is the vaginal cleaning system.

Is it bad to remove vaginal discharge?

No vaginal discharge should be kept clean to prevent infection.

Is vaginal candida white discharge with no scent a sign that you are pregnant?

The vagina loses discharge naturally as its a natural vaginal lubrication. Excessive vaginal discharge can be a sign of pregnancy or ovulation.

Can females with vaginal discharge get pregnant and deliver normal baby?

Every woman has vaginal discharge. It is mroe noticeable when pregnant. Yes you can have a normal healthy baby when having vaginal discharge.

Vaginal discharge then menstrual period then vaginal discharge with naseau had breast tenderness and ligament stretching feeling?

that is puberty

What causes vaginal discharge change?

The usual cyclic change is caused by the usual hormonal changes. These are normal. Other factors such as infection and disease also cause change in discharge. Women can usually differentiate between a normal and an abnormal discharge due to the consistency, smell, etc.

Is it normal to have whitish creamy discharge I am unsure if I am pregnant I am 31 and had spotting this month?

Vaginal discharge may be normal or abnormal. Normal vaginal discharge is usually physiological and causes no discomfort. Abnormal vaginal discharge may be caused by infections or lesions in the cervix (cervicitis) or in the vagina (vaginitis or vaginosis).Cervicitis is more serious if due to an infection and it is therefore more important to exclude it to prevent complications such as Tubal Infection and Pelvic Inflammatory Disease. Cervicitis of infective origin is commonly due to STDs such as Chlamydia, Gonorrhoeoa, Mycoplasma, Ureaplasma, and Genital Herpes. Non-infective causes of discharge from the cervix may be due to cervical polyps and intrauterine contraceptive devices (IUD).Abnormal vaginal discharge may commonly be caused by trichomoniasis (TV), bacterial vaginosis (BV), and vulvovaginal candidiasis (VVC). TV and VVC usually produce additional symptoms such as vulvar irritation, redness, rash, swelling, and discomfort.In the case of TV and BV, there is also an offensive odour. VVC is characterised by a combination of any of the following complaints: vaginal discharge, vaginal soreness, vulvar irritation, vulvar excoriations, vulvar burning, and painful intercourse. The discharge is typically cottage-cheese-like in character but may vary from watery to thick. Odor, if present, is inoffensive and minimal.

What does it mean when a girl get a lot of vaginal discharge?

You actually may naturally produce more discharge in general. There are also certain times during your cycle when discharge may increase. Certain infections and STI's may also cause increase in vaginal discharge.

Can you get vaginal discharge and get pregrant?

Having vaginal discharge does not prevent you from getting pregnant. It will not expel the sperm. It is not a way to determine whether or not you are pregnant. You can have discharge at any time, pregnant or not.