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Vaginal discharge may be normal or abnormal. Normal vaginal discharge is usually physiological and causes no discomfort. Abnormal vaginal discharge may be caused by infections or lesions in the cervix (cervicitis) or in the vagina (vaginitis or vaginosis).

Cervicitis is more serious if due to an infection and it is therefore more important to exclude it to prevent complications such as Tubal Infection and Pelvic Inflammatory Disease. Cervicitis of infective origin is commonly due to STDs such as Chlamydia, Gonorrhoeoa, Mycoplasma, Ureaplasma, and Genital Herpes. Non-infective causes of discharge from the cervix may be due to cervical polyps and intrauterine contraceptive devices (IUD).

Abnormal vaginal discharge may commonly be caused by trichomoniasis (TV), bacterial vaginosis (BV), and vulvovaginal candidiasis (VVC). TV and VVC usually produce additional symptoms such as vulvar irritation, redness, rash, swelling, and discomfort.

In the case of TV and BV, there is also an offensive odour. VVC is characterised by a combination of any of the following complaints: vaginal discharge, vaginal soreness, vulvar irritation, vulvar excoriations, vulvar burning, and painful intercourse. The discharge is typically cottage-cheese-like in character but may vary from watery to thick. Odor, if present, is inoffensive and minimal.

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Q: Is it normal to have whitish creamy discharge I am unsure if I am pregnant I am 31 and had spotting this month?
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spotting after ovulation is An implantation bleed would be seen 6-10 dasy after ovualtion. Many women have a clear discharge a lot of the time so you may or may not be pregnant.

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No not necessarily, everyone is different. The extra discharge could be hormones. Check with your doctor.

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Thick, white discharge is common at the beginning and end of your cycle. Normal white discharge is not accompanied by itching.

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An increase in vaginal discharge during pregnancy is very common. It should be white or creamy and not blood-stained, itchy or smelly. If it is any of these see your doctor as you might have an infection.

Can you get white creamy vaginal discharge 2 weeks before your period or is that more so a pregnancy sign?

A vaginal discharge before a period is normal as is in pregnancy. See a doctor if you suspect you may be pregnant.

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No its called discharge, you normally get it before you start your period. Every girl that i know of gets it. It's perfectly normal and it doesn't mean your pregnant.

If you have white creamy discharge could you be pregnant?

No, it means you are getting ready to ovulate. If you have sex during the time this type of discharge is present, you can become pregnant. Actually, the thick, sticky vaginal discharge you are talking about actually is an indicator that you are a few days from having your period, it is the discharge that usually takes place after ovulation. you can not get pregnant during this time with a normal cycle, you could, however possibly be in the early stages of pregnancy, for this discharge is very common into early pregnancy, and throughout most of it.

Creamy discharge from breasts?

obviously that's an abnormality

How early in the pregnancy does discharge appear?

I have 2 kids and think I am about 3-4 weeks pregnant I have had the sore nipples and the bloating as well. Every time I had concieved I knew right away and all three times I had this creamy milky white discharge and it came at about 3 weeks pregnant.

Is it okay to have a dicharge in first trimester?

As in clear or creamy discharge? This is very normal - you often get more of it when you're pregnant due to the hormones making your body produce more of it

You see a creamy discharge during pregnancy is that normal?


If i am pregnant and have a white creamy discharge that has a foul odor is that normal This dicharge is also heavy.My paps have all came back negative but is there something they could be missing?

A pap smear looks for cancer of the cervix, not vaginitis. If you have a creamy white foul-smelling discharge, you need to report the complaint to your health care provider to see if a visit is needed. Bacterial vaginosis, a non-contagious imbalance in the vagina, can cause some complications during pregnancy. This condition is the most common cause of creamy white, foul-smelling discharge.