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And alliteration Is a sentence where 3 or more of the words start with the Same letter or sound. Ex. I hated the hot hat I had to wear to hogworts.

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Q: What is Alliteration in English terms?
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What are some literature terms that start with an A?

alliteration, allegory

What are some literary terms in Beowulf?

Some literary terms in Beowulf include alliteration, kenning, and caesura. Alliteration is the repetition of initial consonant sounds, kenning is a metaphorical compound word, and caesura is a pause in the middle of a line of poetry. These literary devices are commonly found in Old English poetry like Beowulf.

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Alliteration, hyperbole, simile, pun, oxymoron, and metaphor are six literary terms.

Can you give me 5 alliteration?

If you mean in English terms (aliteration) here they are: Slowly slid fast food hovering high er...cant think of anymore but you get the idea i hope...

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Which of these terms is defined as the repetition of the same consonant sounds, especially in poetry?


Is there use of alliteration in Langston Hughes Theme for English B?

Yes, there is use of alliteration in Langston Hughes' poem "Theme for English B." One example is in the following lines: "I like to eat, sleep, drink, and be in love." The repetition of the "e" sound in "eat," "sleep," and "be" creates an alliterative effect.

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What is the purpose of alliteration in this poem?

To draw attention to the worlds "filter" and "fibre" -Apex- CST 2.4.3 English :)

What explains technical terms or translates terms on a map of a foreign area where are the terms used not in English?

Technical terms or translates terms on a map of foreign areas where the terms used are not English is a glossary. A glossary contains all the definitions.

Is it correct English to say she likes lingering in libraries?

Certainly it is correct English to say, "She likes lingering in libraries." The alliteration makes it sound rather poetic.

If three words all start with the same letter what is it called?

Alliteration. Repetition of initial consonants or sounds is alliteration, and is very handy for emphasizing a certain phrase, or as a memory aid.