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Antarctica is preserved for the scientific study of the health of planet earth. This is the mandate of The Antarctic Treaty.

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Q: What is Antarctica preserved for?
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What are the main industries in Antarctica?

There is no industry in Antarctica. The continent is preserved under The Antarctic Treaty, as a continent dedicated to science.

What are the opportunities for people in the future if people visit antarctica?

Antarctica is a place of natural beauty which needs to be preserved for future generations

What are the developers allowed and not allowed to do in Antarctica?

Developers have no rights in Antarctica. Antarctica is a continent preserved for science. No commercial ventures are allowed on land south of 60 degrees S -- according to the Antarctic Treaty -- which includes the Antarctic continent.

Did the explorers leave anything in Antarctica?

Yes. Several huts are preserved today and contain relics left by explorers.

What are the names of cities on Antarctica?

There are no cities, counties, provinces, states or nations on Antarctica. All land south of 60 degrees S is preserved for the scientific study of the health of planet earth.

Where is a scientific area in Antarctica?

All land of planet earth south of 60 degrees S is preserved for the scientific study of the health of planet earth. This includes all of the continent of Antarctica.

Does Antarctica compete in the Olympic games?

There is no infrastructure in Antarctica. No commercial accommodations, transportation, sports venues, hospitals and so forth.It is a continent preserved by The Antarctic Treaty, for science.

What is the biggest and smallest state in Antarctica?

There are no states in Antarctica, no countries, no cities. All land on planet earth south of 60 degrees S is governed by the Antarctic Treaty, and preserved for science that studies the health of planet earth.

Is Antarctic an independent country?

Antarctica is not an independent country. It is governed by the Antarctic Treaty System, which sets aside the continent as a scientific preserve and prohibits military activity. Multiple countries have territorial claims in Antarctica, but these are not internationally recognized.

How is Antarctica used in the present?

All land south of 66 degrees S is protected by the Antarctic Treaty. It is preserved for the scientific study of the health of planet Earth.

How is Antarctica being used by humans?

The earth south of 60 degrees S, is preserved under the Antarctic Treaty, for peaceful pursuit of science. The continent of Antarctica is the primary location for scientific study of the health of planet earth, which affects all humans.

Can you hunt on Antarctica?

First, there are no land animals on Antarctica to hunt. Second, the Antarctic Treaty prohibits any commercial or private enterprise -- including hunting -- south of 60 degrees S. This geography is preserved for the scientific research about the health of planet earth.