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Q: What is Atlas's Greek Mythology symbol today?
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Where is there greek mythology today?

yes read the illiod

Is Greek mythology a religion today?

Greek mythology is not a recognized religion today. While the myths themselves continue to be studied and appreciated for their cultural and literary significance, they are not actively practiced as a religion by any modern communities.

What is the role of Greek Mythology?

Greek Mythology is just like the stories we tell today in books, films etc, and played the same role in the entertainment of the Ancient Greeks.

What is the difference between greek mythology and other mythology?

What we today call Greek Mythology came from the ancient peoples of the Mediterranean. Most other mythology comes to us from cultures who did not record their religion nearly so long or detailed a way.

What makes Greek mythology?

It is the same as any mythology. It is made up of stories to explain the world to the people who did not understand today's science.

Where is Greek mythology in your language today?

Greek mythology is still present in modern languages through the use of phrases, idioms, and expressions that reference Greek gods, goddesses, and myths. These references can be found in literature, art, music, and popular culture, highlighting the ongoing influence of Greek mythology on contemporary language usage.

How does Cerberus the three headed dog affect the world today?

No, Greek mythology is the religion of the ancient people of Greece - not today.

How do you beat Greek mythology?

you can't beat Greek mythology, because they think the gods are real, today the god of Greek mythology are not to think of much. the Greeks thought the gods are the most powerful,immortal, gods of Greek. and if they were real(not saying that they aren't) they could kill, if interfered. plus, you don't know where they are because they can turn into human form. so the answer could be no, you can't beat Greek mythology.

How does Greek mythology influence us today?

Greatly, greek symbols are still all around us today. for example, zeus' symbol was the eagle and if you look at the USA and Germany, they both utilise this because of its past implications of power. There are more and if you ever read Rick Riordan's Percy Jackson series, he does an amazing job of showing the link between greek mythology and the present day.

How did greek mythology influence your language today?

with movie like percy jackson and lord of the rings

Which peoples religion was most directly influenced by ancient Greek mythology?

The thing you refer to as mythology was considered a religion. As much so as any today.

Why study Greek mythology?

Studying Greek mythology provides insights into the culture, beliefs, and values of ancient Greece. It also serves as a foundation for understanding literature, art, and language influenced by Greek mythology. Additionally, the stories offer timeless lessons and themes that are still relevant today.