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Q: What is Autism spectrum disorder is a cluster of brain disorder identified mostly by difficulties with?
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Can a person have histrionic personality disorder with sociopathic behavior?

Yes, just like someone can have both diabetes and high blood pressure, a person can have more than one mental disorder. Also, those 2 disorders are in the same cluster (cluster B), and having one cluster B disorder puts a person at a higher risk than average for having traits of another cluster B disorder.

What other personality disorders have some characteristics of sociopathy?

Each personality disorder is classified into one of three "clusters": clusters A, B, or C. Cluster A is called the "eccentric" cluster, and it includes schizotypal, paranoid, and schizoid personality disorders. Cluster B is called the "dramatic" or "erratic" cluster, and it includes ASPD (another name for sociopathy), borderline, histrionic, and narcissistic personality disorder. Cluster C is called the "anxious" or "dependent" cluster, and it includes avoidant, dependent, and obsessive-compulsive personality disorders. Cluster B is the one that shares the most characteristics with sociopathy. Borderline personality disorder is a disorder that is characterized by emotional instability. People with borderline generally are described as "childish", and they often feel as if they are victimized. Their emotional swings often resemble those of sociopathy. Histrionic personality disorder is characterized by attention seeking, including excess seduction, being the "life of the party" even if there isn't a party, and have quick mood swings (which is something that all of Cluster B has in common). This disorder is similar to sociopathy because of the need for all of the attention to be on them. Finally, we come to narcissistic personality disorder. Those with narcissistic personality disorder think of themselves as the greatest thing alive. They are bad at taking criticism in any way. They require constant attention, and they may lie to achieve their own goals. The main reason that those with narcissistic personality disorder resemble sociopaths, though, is because they feel little to no empathy. To sum that long answer up, borderline personality disorder resembles sociopathy because of its mood swings, histrionic personality disorder resembles sociopathy because of the attention-seeking, and narcissistic personality disorder resembles sociopathy because of the near or full lack of empathy.

What is primary fatique?

Primary fatigue is a symptom of a disease or mental disorder, and may be part of a cluster of such symptoms as pain , fever, or nausea.

Do narcissistic mothers produce children with BPD?

Sometimes. Narcissism (NPD) is in the same cluster of personality disorders as BPD (cluster B). People who have traits of ONE cluster B disorder are more likely than average to have traits of another cluster B disorder. So there appears to be some possible connections, and of course, lots of people can have a child with BPD anyhow, and narcissists should be no different. There are sites that have more information, like BPDFamily, Light's House, BPD411 and Out of the Fog. Some of them even have forums where you can ask questions and read up on the research and statistics.

What is a clusterfart?

"Clusterfart" is a humorous slang term used to describe a chaotic and confusing situation or event. It is a combination of the words "cluster" and "fart" to emphasize disorder or dysfunction.

Those with an avoidant personality disorder are most likely to display what?

People with AvPD (Avoidant Personality Disorder) display a pattern of social inhibition, feelings of inadequacy, extreme sensitivity to negative evaluation, and avoidance of social interaction. AvPD is also called Anxious Personality Disorder and it is Cluster C personality disorder recognized in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders handbook.

Is cluster a collective noun?

Yes, the noun 'cluster' is a standardized collective noun for:a cluster of antelopesa cluster of beesa cluster of bombsa cluster of computersa cluster of diamondsa cluster of grapesa cluster of grasshoppersa cluster of knotsa cluster of porcupine fisha cluster of spidersa cluster of starsa cluster of things

What word does cluster go with in collective noun?

The noun 'cluster' is a collective noun for:a cluster of antelopesa cluster of beesa cluster of churlsa cluster of computersa cluster of grapesa cluster of grasshoppersa cluster of knotsa cluster of porcupine fisha cluster of spidersa cluster of starsa cluster of things

Is Bipolar disorder genetic?

Yes BiPolar is genetic and it is highly likely that someone who has BiPolar has a family member with the same condition. But not always i mean someone has to be first.

What is the collective noun of cluster?

The noun 'cluster' is a standardized collective noun for:a cluster of antelopesa cluster of beesa cluster of bombsa cluster of computersa cluster of diamondsa cluster of grapesa cluster of grasshoppersa cluster of knotsa cluster of porcupine fisha cluster of spidersa cluster of starsa cluster of things

How can yuppie flu be prevented?

There is no virus called Yuppie Flu. It is a name given usually to a disorder called Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Conditions usually are called a "Syndrome" when the underlying cause of a cluster of symptoms seen similarly in multiple patients has not been identified yet. This is the case with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. If you don't know what is causing it, you don't know what would prevent it. So, there is currently no prevention.

What are the 3 cluster of personal entrepreneurial competencies?

achievement cluster, planning cluster, power cluster