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Q: What is Baking time for foil cake pan?
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Can you wrap foil on the outside of a baking tin because the tin is leaking cake out?

You can wrap the pan with foil, but I would get the foil as tight as possible by crimping it around the sides as much as possible. If it is leaking severely I would suggest getting a new pan.

What is the difference between baking in a silicone pop cake pan to in a metal pop cake pan?

Baking in a silicone pan makes it easier to take the cake out of it.

How do you turn tinfoil into a cake pan?

This is really not a good idea. But if you have no other way to bake a cake, use heavy duty foil, and use at least 3 - 4 layers of it. Fold and shape the layers of foil into a cake pan, and place on a baking sheet in the oven. This will prevent any spill over from messing up your oven. Just be sure to use enough layers of foil to make it strong enough so that the cake doesn't push the sides of the 'pan' out as it expands during cooking.

Can you put a springform pan in a baking pan with water when baking?

Yes, if you wrap the outside of the stringform pan with double layer of heavy duty foil.

Do you grease the stoneware bunt pan for cakes?

Yes, any stoneware cake pan should be greased before baking a cake.

What happens if you forget yo coat the baking pan?

There are higher chances of your cake sticking on the pan.

What size cake pan can you substitute for 3 round cake pans?

A 9" X 13" baking pan would work well.

How do you change a cup cake recipe to a cake recipe?

Just pour the batter into a baking pan and cook it as one cake.

Why is cake raw in the middle after baking designated time?

Ovens are rarely accurate. Try setting it 25 degrees hotter. Was the pan the right size? Smaller pan means a thicker cake that takes longer to bake.

When baking turkey dressing should pan be covered?

If you like a moist dressing cover pan with lid or foil, for dryer dressing do not cover.

Are paper cake liners used to bake cakes or only placed on cake after baking?

It is preferred that you use baking cups so they will not stick to the pan or crumble when you try to eat them. If you are making them for a party or event, stick with baking cups. Otherwise, when you just feel like making some, it is recommended that you use Vegetable Cooking Spray :)

What do you do to make sure a pound cake stays in the tube pan and not escape out of the bottom?

Line your cake pan with parchment paper. You can wet the parchment paper for easier handling when lining your cake pan.