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Q: What is Based on the height of the lines traced by a seismograph?
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How is the intensity and magnitude of an earthquake measured?

Earthquakes are measure with a seismograph which indicates the intensity of earth crust´s movements this measurement is call Richter 1 being less intensity and 10 being major intensity.

What scale rates the size of seismic waves?

Most scientists use a machine called a seismograph which has a pen on the end and moves when there is shaking from the seismic waves. It records the shaking on a rotating paper called a seismogram. The up and down lines you see sometimes are drawn by the seismograph.

What is a seismorgraph?

Seismograph is a long sheet of paper with measurements of seismic activity, (earthquakes, explosions, etcetera). It will look like a long sheet with sgwiggily lines on it. These lines are made by a pen on a weight going back and forth due to the seismic activity which causes every to move about.The amplitude of the sgwiggle lines (height of sgwiggle) is proportional to the strength of the activity, naturally.These can be very helpful around the world because from at least 3 seismographs situated around the world, earthquake origins can be found in order to warn near by civilians and possibly to make evacuations for coasts in cases of sea earthquakes forming tsunamis.

How does OS maps show height?

By means of contour lines or spot heights.

Why do contour lines not branch?

Because contour lines show the places with same height above sea level, and if they branched, we should instead use another set of contour lines to show a height difference for the place where they should branch, and another to show the same height for the altitude above sea level as the original supposed branch, as if they branched, it would mean that there was a difference in altitude between them.

Related questions

What scale based on the height of the lines traced by a seismograph?

Richter Scale .

What does the height of the jagged lines on a seismograph indicate?

It indicates that it is greater for a more severe earthquake or for an earthquake close to the seismograph.

Does the height Of the jagged lines on a seismograph indicate?

It indicates that it is greater for a more severe earthquake or for an earthquake close to the seismograph.

What are the zigzag lines recorded on a seismograph called?


How a seismograph is used?

A seismograph is located under the ground. When there is an earthquake, the ground shakes, which also shakes the pen on the seismograph, making it move along the paper, drawing lines. To know how strong the earthquake was, scientist can look on the paper. The bigger the lines, the stronger the earthquake was.

How is the intensity and magnitude of an earthquake measured?

Earthquakes are measure with a seismograph which indicates the intensity of earth crust´s movements this measurement is call Richter 1 being less intensity and 10 being major intensity.

What do large lines on a seismograph mean?

The larger the deflection of the indicators (ink pens) the stronger the seismic vibrations that reached the detector.

Why wouldn't a seismograph work if the pen vibrated with the machine?

because if the pen vibrated then the seismograph wouldn't work and it would defeat the purpose. the machine only works if the pen is still. if the pen is still the machine will guide it by the heartbeat lines the pen creates.

What are lines connecting points of equal height called?

Contour lines.

Why can't contour lines cross merge or split?

Contour lines are imaginary lines that join points of equal height. Therefore, say, a 300 metre height contour line can never meet a 400 metre height one.

What is the name of the line on a map that joins places of equal height?

The name of the line on a map that joins places of equals height is "the contour." Contour lines are lines of equal elevation, whereas isohypse are lines of equal geopotential height.

Lines that stand up straight show stability and height?

Vertical Lines