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Q: What is Before the DNA condenses it is called?
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What condenses into a chromosomes?


What do you call DNA in the nucleus before it condenses to form chromosomes?

DNA forms nucleosomes (beads on the string) by combining histone proteins, nucleosomes condense into chromatins before it forms Chromosomes

DNA complexed with protein is called?

DNA complexed with proteins is chromatin. Chromatin condenses to form a chromosome. The definition of chromatin is "A complex of nucleic acids (e.g. DNA or RNA) and proteins (histones), which condenses to form a chromosome during cell division. In eukaryotic cells, it is found within the cell nucleus whereas in prokaryotic cells, it is found within the nucleoid. Its functions are to package DNA into a smaller volume to fit in the cell, strengthen the DNA to allow mitosis and meiosis, and to serve as a mechanism to control expression."

When a cell divides its DNA condenses into rod-like what?

you never did

When a cell divide DNA condenses into a rod-like what?

you never did

DNA condenses into chromosomes in what phase of mitosis?

Gap 2

What consists of DNA and protein condenses to form chromosomes?

i believe it is chromatin.

When do the thin chromatin fibers condense to become distinct chromosomes?

Chromatin condenses during the S stage (synthesis) of Interphase. Chromatin condenses to get ready for duplication so when the cell splits, the second cell (or daughter cell) can continue the jobs that certain cell does.

What consists of DNA and proteins?

Chromatin which condenses to form chromosomes and is located in the Nucleus.

What is the job for chromatin in an animal cell?

condenses into chromosomes, which contain DNA and protein

What is the name for when chromosomes look like mixed up threads?

The word chromatin matches what you are looking for. The DNA looks like this before it condenses before the cell divides. It is open so that the genes can be active.

What happens just before water condenses in clouds?

I believe that water vapor changes to a gas before water condenses into clouds.