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Cold, rainy and crowded :p And way to many immigrants. But it's home. Belgium is a warm country, warm people and a lot of fun!

It's a modern country, beautiful cities and many things to see. Come have a look for yourself

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Q: What is so great about Belgium?
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What event provoked the entry of Great Britain into the war?

Germany had invaded Belgium and was aiming to France. He took many ships into the Belgium ports so Britain declared to be threatened by the German ships in the Belgium ports. So Great Britain entered the war with France (something which Germany didn't expect).

Was Great Britain allies with France or belgium?

Yes Great Britain was an ally to France and Belgium.

How many beer in Belgium?

There are MANY great beers in Belgium.

Who was Serbia allied with at the beginning of world war 1?

Russia jumped in on Serbia's side, dragging in her ally, France, in the process. This triggered the German attack on France, which the Germans made by way of Belgium. Going through Belgium brought Great Britain in. So Russia, France, Belgium and Great Britain (and all her Commonwealth states and colonies).

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How are Belgium and great Britain different?

Britain is an island and Belgium is on the European mainland.

Where was Charles the great born?

Charles the Great was born in Leige, Belgium.

What issues arose between Germany and the countries of France and Great Britain that ultimately lead to war?

Belgium was the cause of friction between Great Britain and Germany in WW1. Belgium and Great Britain were allied, so when Germany invaded Belgium, Great Britain was obligated to side with Belgium and declare war.

When Germany invaded Belgium which other nation was drawn into the war?

Great Britain was because the British had pledged to defend Belgium.

How is Belgium money used?

Belgium is member of the European Union and the EURO (currency) zone, so there is no 'Belgium' money, Belgium uses the EURO currency.

What event caused great Britain to enter dthe war?

The official story is: Germany invaded Belgium as part of their invasion of France at the start of the war. Belgium and Britain had been allies since the 1830's, so when Germany did so, Britain declared war on Germany.

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