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In Christianity, Bethlehem is known as the birthplace of Jesus. Joseph arrived in Bethlehem with his very pregnant wife, Mary and could not find accommodations at any inn. Desperate for shelter, they retired to a stable and Joseph made Mary as comfortable as he could in a small manger. There, she gave birth to the infant Jesus.

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What is Bethlehem famoud for?

Bethlehem is best known as the area where Jesus Christ was born.

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Bethlehem, the city of David.

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It is not known where Bethlehem Lay Sleeping was written. Bethlehem Lay Sleeping is a hymnal that has been performed by various choirs.

Does Bethlehem celebrate Christmas on December 25?

Yes, Bethlehem celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ, and the holiday known as Christmas.

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Bethlehem. That's where David was from.

Is Bethlehem in the country of Israel?

Bethlehem is not a town in Jerusalem, as it is located a few miles south of Jerusalem. Jerusalem is in the nation of Israel and Bethlehem is in the area known as the West Bank - they are a short drive apart and separated by a security zone.

Where is bethelehem?

The city of Bethlehem, located about six miles southwest of Jerusalem, also known as the City of David. Bethlehem also means House of bread.

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I believe this hospital was known as BEDLAM

Was St. Jerome the bishop of Bethlehem?

No, St. Jerome was not the bishop of Bethlehem. He was a priest, theologian, and historian who is best known for his translation of the Bible into Latin, known as the Vulgate. He lived in Bethlehem for a significant portion of his life but did not hold the title of bishop.

How is the Star of Bethlehem connected to Christmas?

The Star of Bethlehem is what the three wise men followed to find where Jesus Christ was going to be born. If they had not seen this star they would not have known where to go.